This Is the Week to Hug a Pollinator in Kane County

This Is the Week to Hug a Pollinator in Kane County

Sometimes it becomes too easy to take seemingly little things in life for granted. Here in Kane County, the Development and Community Services Department asks us to take a little time to recognize the important role pollinators play in our lives, local economy, nature’s beauty and our food supply.

Pollinator Week

Eight years ago, the U.S. Senate unanimously voted to set aside a week in June as National Pollinators Week. This week (June 20-26) has been designated for 2016. Natural resource agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service encourage the public to celebrate National Pollinator Week.

Pollinators include bees, beetles, ants, wasps, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, bats and even some small mammals. Spencer L. Kroning of the Kane County Development and Community Services Department points out that these animals assist a vital life stage for all flowering plants.

“We are fortunate to have beautiful open spaces here in Kane County where everyone is able to enjoy nature and watch these fascinating insects and animal work hard for out benefit,” he said. “We also have many dedicated individuals, organizations and groups that work hard to preserve dwindling populations of some of these important facets of our ecosystem right here in Kane County. Without pollinators, many foods, fibers, spices and medicines we use daily wouldn’t be possible.”

Residents can help by reducing our impact, planting for pollinators and spreading the word.

“We encourage families to get outdoors this week and enjoy nature and take note of our pollinators, whether it is spending time in their own yard and garden, visiting one of our beautiful forest preserves, an area commercial farm or the Geneva Park District Butterfly House,” Kroning said.

More information is available at these web pages:

 SOURCE: Kane County Development and Community Services Department