Aurora Initiates 'Project Blue Light' to Show Support For Police Officers

Aurora Initiates ‘Project Blue Light’ to Show Support For Police Officers

Aurora will forever be known as the “City of Lights,” but this summer Illinois’ second-largest city might also be recognized for the blue lights citizens place on their homes to show public support for police officers.

In a Thursday-morning press release, Mayor Tom Weisner urged Aurora residents to bathe the city in a sea of blue.

Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 8.29.20 AM“Since the first day of my administration, I have made the claim that Aurora has one of the finest police departments in the nation,” said Mayor Weisner. “I think it’s vitally important that we publicly demonstrate our gratitude to the men and women who protect our streets and our families and reaffirm our commitment to working with our officers to keep our community safe. Therefore, I am announcing ‘Project Blue Light Aurora’ and encouraging our citizens to display blue bulbs in their porch lights.”

Weisner said the idea for the initiative was born when he heard how the Aurora police were inundated with phone calls, emails and other tokens of support from the community following the tragic shootings of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

Project BLue light ribbon“One of Aurora’s citizens called the department and suggested everyone change their porch lights to blue to demonstrate appreciation for Aurora’s finest, and I thought it was an excellent idea,” he said.

Aurora Police Chief Kristen Ziman said Aurora officers have been overwhelmed with the continuing show of community support following the tragedies in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

“Our officers consider it a privilege to serve citizens who realize we must all work together to keep Aurora safe,” she said. “And they will be reminded of this mutually supportive relationship every time they see a blue porch light.”

Weisner and Ziman said the new initiative serves as a great preview to this year’s National Night Out celebration on Aug. 2. Billed as “America’s Night Out Against Crime,” the annual event encourages citizens to get to know their neighbors and to show unity with police in the fight against crime and violence. This year, more than 30 Aurora neighborhoods are participating.

Blue light bulbs can be found at most major retailers where light bulbs are sold.

SOURCE: city of Aurora news release