Big Day for Property Tax Assessments: Elgin, St. Charles, Sugar Grove Publish Thursday, July 21
Three of Kane County’s bigger townships will post their property tax assessments Thursday (July 21, 2016), opening the one-month widow for property owners to file a complaint.
The 2016 assessment changes are being published July 21:
- Elgin Township assessment changes are being published in the Fox Valley Daily Herald.
- St. Charles Township assessment changes are being published in the St. Charles Kane County Chronicle.
- Sugar Grove Township assessment changes are being published in the Aurora Beacon-News.
The final filing deadline for property in these three townships has been set for Aug. 22, 2016.
After all revisions and corrections by local township assessors were applied, each non-farm property in Elgin Township was equalized with a factor of 1.0910; each non-farm property in St. Charles Township was equalized with a factor or 1.0109; and each non-farm property in Sugar Grove Township was equalized with a factor of 1.0748. Click here to learn more about equalization factors.
- Assessment complaints for property in these townships must be filed by Aug. 22, 2016; by state law, no assessment complaints for property in these townships can be accepted after this date. Click here to learn more about assessment complaints and how to file them.
- To obtain assessment information about a property in this these Townships, please call your local township Aassessor’s office or visit your township assessor’s web site. Click here for Kane County’s Township Assessor Directory.
Filing Deadlines for Assessment Complaints
By state law, the last day that an assessment complaint may be filed is the close of business on the 30th day after publication in a local newspaper. The only exception is if the Kane County Assessment Office is not open on the 30th day; in that instance, the deadline is automatically extended to the close of business on the next day the office is open.
- Assessment changes in Elgin, St. Charles, and Sugar Grove Townships are being published today; the final filing deadline for these Townships is Aug. 22, 2016.
- Assessment changes in Campton Township were published on July 14; the final filing deadline for this township is Aug. 15, 2016.
- Assessment changes in Plato Township were published on July 13; the final filing deadline for this township is Aug. 12, 2016.
- Assessment changes in Dundee and Rutland townships were published on July 7; the final filing deadline for these townships is Aug. 8, 2016.
- The final filing deadlines for Batavia, Big Rock, Burlington, Hampshire and Virgil townships for the 2016 year have already passed; no further assessment complaints can be accepted for these townships.
- Assessment changes for Aurora, Blackberry, Geneva and Kaneville townships have not yet been published; as of today, no final filing deadline has been established for these townships.
Click here to view the Board of Review Progress Report.
How to File a Complaint
- NEW — Electronic Evidence Filing
- NEW — Filing an Assessment Complaint Webinar (downloadable .pdf versions available)
- Rules and Procedures for Filing and Assessment Complaint
Complaint Forms
- Residential/Farm Complaint Form
- Commerical/Industrial Complaint Form
- Condominium Association Assessment Complaint Form
- Multi-Parcel Addendum
More Info
SOURCE: This is a reprint of information provided in the Kane Assessments Newsletter. To subscribe, click on this link.