City of Batavia Hosts July 16 Water Tour to Show What's Done to Keep It Safe

City of Batavia Hosts July 16 Water Tour to Show What’s Done to Keep It Safe

Recent news about odor and taste issues with the drinking water in Aurora and Elgin may have you thinking about your own drinking water and what’s being done to keep it clean and safe for consumption. Batavia residents will soon have the chance to see where their drinking water comes from and learn how the city of Batavia Water Department works hard each day to make sure it is safe to drink.

water report

The Batavia Environmental Commission and the city of Batavia are teaming up to host a water department tour and presentation on July 16 that will be free and open to the public.

  • Where: Batavia Water Treatment Plant, 38W503 Fabyan Parkway. (Just west of Wenmoth Road on the south side of street.)
  • When: Presentations at 10 a.m. and noon Saturday, July 16, 2016

John Dillon, Batavia’s water and sewer and superintendent, will give a short presentation about Batavia’s water followed with a tour of the Batavia water treatment plant. Dillon will discuss the history and treatment of the Batavia water supply, and how the water makes it to your faucet.

“With recent concerns about the safety of municipal water supplies, we are excited to partner with the Water Department to give citizens an up close look at our treatment facilities and a chance have their questions answered by the superintendent himself,” stated Carolyn Burnham, Batavia Environmental Commission member.

Attendees will then be able to tour the treatment facilities and pumping facilities and learn how water is stored and pumped.

For more information on this event and local ‘green’ happenings anytime, check out the Batavia Environmental Commission’s Facebook page.


About the Batavia Environmental Commission

The mission of the Batavia Environmental Commission is to fulfill the role of environmental adviser, educator and motivator to city government and the community at large. For more information, contact Batavia Water Superintendent  John Dillon at 630-454-2453 or