Forest Preserve District Auctions Off 3-Bedroom House in Hampshire

Forest Preserve District Auctions Off 3-Bedroom House in Hampshire

The Forest Preserve District of Kane County is auctioning off a three-bedroom house on 5 acres to the highest bidder. The district has no use for the structure, and the commission declared the 5-acre parcel as surplus. It’s widely understood that buying a house at auction can be quite risky which is why it’s important to fully understand what you’re getting yourself into in advance.

The opening price is $225,000. Click HERE to see details or to bid. The house is located at 45w879 Ellithorpe Road, Hampshire.

Vhouse_2The property includes a cedar cape cod home including three bedrooms, den, 2.1 baths, a two-car garage and partial unfinished basement including fireplace, central air and deck on the 5-acre parcel in unincorporated Kane County. A copy of the appraisal and plat of survey are included in this Public Surplus website page.

The home can be viewed only from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, July 23, 2016, or from noon to 4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 5, 2016. If a bidder wants to have a house inspection done, it will need to be done during the viewing dates and times.

The district reserves the right to not accept any bids and to reject any sale, if a proposed transfer does not qualify under an applicable exception under the Illinois Plat Act. The division of the full property into two separate parcels must comply with the Illinois Plat Act, which allows for divisions of property which include, among other things, transfer of a parcel of land to an adjacent property owner, as well as other possible exceptions for property divisions.

How Do I Bid on Auctions?

  • House auction DepositphotosFirst, register online. Click here and Public Surplus will help you get registered.
  • Second, click on the category or subcategory on the main catalog page to choose which area you want to look at.
  • Third, scroll through the list of items until you find an item that interests you. Clicking on the auction title will take you to the bid page.
  • Fourth, enter the amount you want to bid on the item and click the “Submit” button. Before you make an offer on an item however, please thoroughly read all of the terms of the bid, such as payment methods, shipping, and item description. Some agencies have their own Terms and Conditions. Please make sure you read them carefully.

For more information, visit the Kane County Forest Preserve District website.

SOURCE: Forest Preserve of Kane County website

About the Forest Preserve District of Kane County

Kane County FOrest Preserve District logoThe Forest Preserve District of Kane County acquires, holds and maintains land to preserve natural and historic resources, habitats, flora and fauna. The district restores, restocks, protects and preserves open space for the education, recreation and pleasure of Kane County citizens. For more information, visit the district’s website or find them on social media via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Also, sign up for the quarterly TreeLine Newsletter.