Walk Batavia! City Signage Encourages Downtown Pedestrian Traffic

Walk Batavia! City Signage Encourages Downtown Pedestrian Traffic

It may not be Pokemon Go, but it’s a big thing in Batavia, and it could be just the ticket to encourage downtown pedestrian traffic.

The Batavia Environmental Commission in partnership with Batavia MainStreet launched the Walk Batavia Campaign on July 1 with a series of wayfinding signage posted around town.

Walk photo (1)Colorful signs tell passersby how long, in minutes, it takes to walk or bike to the location mentioned on the sign, and a QR code provides step by step directions, a map, and information about the destination.

Featured destinations include Batavia amenities and public works.

Batavia Environmental Commissioner Abby Beck says increasing foot traffic around Batavia accomplishes two goals.

“It promotes local patronage of downtown businesses; and it reduces vehicular congestion and the resulting fossil fuel emissions,” she said.

According to Smart Growth America, a 2009 National Household Transportation Survey found that 50 percent of all trips are three miles or less and 28 percent of all trips are one mile or less — distances easily traversed by foot or bicycle. Yet 60 percent of trips under one mile are made by automobile.

The BEC hopes these signs will remind people it is not too far to walk to Batavia’s downtown. Many of these shorter trips can be taken by foot or bicycle.

The Batavia Environmental Commission is grateful for the financial support of the Walk Batavia sponsors: Batavia MainStreet, Batavia Park District, Batavia Creamery, Limestone Coffee and Tea, Water Street Studios, Polly Ernzen and Limestone Production Group. If your business would like to sponsor a sign, please contact Abby Beck at 702-469-2698.

The mission of the Batavia Environmental Commission is to fulfill the role of environmental advisor, educator and motivator to City Government and the community at large.

About Walk [Your City]

walk your city

Walk [Your City] offers an online suite of tools individuals and communities can use to prototype street signs for people. These informational signs show the distance in minutes to community amenities, on foot or by bike; campaign management features online allow users to organize their signs and analyze use data. WYC provides the tools for citizens to pilot new types of projects in the built environment, and to increase engagement around walkability. For more, visit walkyourcity.org.