UPDATE: West Nile Virus Detected in Geneva Mosquito Trap; First of the Season in Kane County
Well into July, and we’ve just now had the first positive West Nile Virus test in Kane County this year.
Geneva’s mosquito abatement contractor sprayed an application of insecticide citywide Thursday, July 14, after levels of West Nile Virus were detected in a mosquito trap on the city’s east side on July 8.
Clarke Environmental used a synthetic treatment that is safe for humans and pets, although people with asthma and other respiratory conditions were advised to stay indoors with their windows closed during the misting application and one hour afterward.
Now that spraying is completed, Clarke will monitor the city’s mosquito traps to see if additional insecticide applications are necessary. Check the city’s website for updates at www.geneva.il.us.
According to the Kane County Health Department, the best way to prevent West Nile Virus or any other mosquito-borne illness is to take the following precautions:
- Avoid being outdoors when mosquitoes are most active, especially between dusk and dawn. Use prevention methods whenever mosquitoes are present.
- When outdoors, wear shoes, socks, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Apply insect repellent that includes DEET, but consult a physician before using repellents on infants.
- Make sure doors and windows have tight fitting screens; repair and replace screens that have tears or other openings. Try to keep doors and windows shut, especially at night.
- Change water in birdbaths and wading pools weekly. Stock ornamental ponds with fish. Cover rain barrels with 16-mesh wire screen.
- Discard old tires, buckets, drums or any containers located in a yard.
- Keep roof gutters and downspouts clear of debris and fill in tree rot holes and hollow stumps that hold water.
For more information on West Nile Virus, visit the Kane County Health Department’s website at www.kanehealth.com.
SOURCE: city of Geneva news release