Illinois Magazine Ad Promotes Kane County as Great Place to Locate Business

Illinois Magazine Ad Promotes Kane County as Great Place to Locate Business

Kane County is boosting economic development in an Illinois Magazine ad that promotes county communities as great places to locate or relocate a business.

The full-page ad, positioned in prime real estate just inside the magazine’s cover, emphasizes Kane County’s transit connections, strategic thinking and strong communities —”a suburban oasis just 45 minutes from metropolitan Chicago.”

“Kane County is the perfect site to locate your business: great schools, first-rate recreational amenities and wonderful shops and restaurants,” the ad says.

Illinois Magazine coverPiggybacking on the themes of the Why Kane webpages created by the Kane County Jobs Committee, the ad notes that the county is blessed with a tech-savvy, highly educated and skilled workforce “eager to take your business to the next level.”

Kane County Board Chairman Chris Lauzen said the county’s philosophy on economic development is to promote the efforts of community economic development departments and chambers of commerce, not to compete with them or duplicate their services via another layer of government.

“With this very modest investment, we really are staying true to our mission to promote Kane County economic development and help our communities grow business,” he said.

Kane County Development Director Mark VanKerkhoff said he jumped on the opportunity to land the inside cover spot because the ad will be seen by business and community leaders internationally. With its $784 billion economy, Illinois is a a major player in global commerce.

“If it attracts the eye of even one major developer or business that moves to Kane County, this ad will have paid for itself many times over,” he said.

Illinois – The State of Innovation is sponsored by the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, and Kane County’s ad showcases county communities as innovation hubs and technology incubators. The county’s 47 miles of fiber-optic cable infrastructure sets it apart from neighboring counties and places Kane County communities in a strong position to compete for business investment.

“Our fiber-optic cable is ready to help your business prosper with powerful Internet connectivity and data storage,” the ad says.

The full-page ad cost $5,755 and was paid for through the Economic Development Department using Elgin Grand Victoria Riverboat funds. The ad was designed by the county’s IT Department in conjunction with the Development Department and Jobs Committee co-chairs Theresa Barreiro and Rebecca Gillam.

“This is a great opportunity for Kane County,” Barreiro said. “The ad creates exposure of the county’s assets which are vital for economic development.”

Gillam agreed.

“The county’s job is to get companies to take notice of all that Kane has to offer,” she said. “Once they get here, the wonderful communities and business climate will convince them to stay!”

The digital version of Illinois Magazine is online, and the Development Department has a limited number of print copies. A copy of the digital version is embedded in this article.

Kane County ad