Montgomery Charges Fee For Recycling Electronics, Aims to Benefit Disabled

Montgomery Charges Fee For Recycling Electronics, Aims to Benefit Disabled

The village of Montgomery is trying something a little different with its electronics recycling efforts — charging a fee that in turn will benefit the developmentally disabled.

According to a Montgomery news release, the village is holding an electronics recycling event from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 27, at the village of Montgomery Police Department, 10 Civic Center Ave. The event is open only to residents and businesses in Montgomery.

The village will charge a fee of $25 for CRTs, flat screens, projection TVs and monitors with screens under 21 inches. It will charge $35 to get rid of those same electronics devices that have screens of 21 inches or more. Cash and credit cards will be accepted, but not checks. Prepayment is encouraged and can be done online at

Please note that this recycling event will not accept paint, metal, disposable batteries, large appliances, hazardous materials, car fluids or tires. The village’s regular monthly recycling event on Aug. 20 will still take place as scheduled.

On Aug. 27, the village will accept a variety of additional electronics including computers and peripherals, office equipment and home entertainment items. There is no charge for these items — only for the TVs and computer monitors. See the list in attached flyer for more information, or visit the village’s website at or the e-Works website.

Proceeds from the recycling event will benefit the developmentally disabled.

TV Recycling Poster 2016-1

SOURCE: Village of Montgomery news release

About e-Works

eWorks Electronics Services Inc.(eWorks) was established in 2009 to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities. eWorks achieves this mission by providing competitive recycling, refurbishment and resale services of all types of office and industrial technologies and consumer electronics. This includes items such as computers, tablets, servers, monitors and LCD’s, scanners, copiers and network equipment, power supplies, TVs, stereos, cell phones and household appliances.