Where to Find Pokémon Go in Algonquin

Where to Find Pokémon Go in Algonquin

During the past few weeks in Algonquin, you may have seen more than normal amounts of people out and about concentrating on their phones.

Pokémon Go, a popular app download for Android and iOS devices, encourages players to explore their local communities by exploring parks, business districts and other areas.

Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game that uses your phone’s GPS system and clock to decide what type of Pokémon appear — for instance, if it’s night time, nocturnal and ghost-type Pokémon appear; if you’re at a park, grass-dwelling Pokémon appear; if you’re at a lake, water-type Pokémon appear, and so on — just like the handheld virtual reality Nintendo Pokémon games. If the app is running, your phone will vibrate when you approach a Pokémon. You can then use your phone’s touchscreen to throw a PokéBall at it to capture it.

Are you playing or know someone who is? While out in Algonquin, the PokéStops and PokéGyms below will surely help you level up and explore the great parks and businesses in the village:

The village reminds Pokemon Go players of some simple safety tips:

  • Know your surroundings and pay attention to where you are going/who is around you.
  • Watch where you are going. Please don’t look down at your phone while crossing streets or even while walking and please obey traffic laws.
  • Do not run into trees, signs and things that are attached to the sidewalk; they hurt.
  • Do not drive or ride your bike/skateboard while interacting with the app.
  • Know where your kids are going when playing with the app, set limits on where they can go.
  • Tell your kids about stranger-danger because the app may bring strangers together in real life at “PokéStops”.
  • Do not go onto private property or areas that you usually would not go if you weren’t playing the game.

Have fun and be safe!

SOURCE: Village of Algonquin website

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