You Could Be Kane County Connects' 10,000th E-Newsletter Subscriber!

You Could Be Kane County Connects’ 10,000th E-Newsletter Subscriber!

UPDATED Editor’s Note: Kane County Connects e-newsletter have reach the 10,000 mark! Thanks to all who signed up and told a friend. On to 11,000!

Rick Nagel, Kane County Outreach Coordinator
Sept. 1, 2016


Kane County Connects e-newsletter is getting darned close to the 10,000 mark.

Could you be our fabulous 10,000th subscriber?

There are no prizes involved (hey, we’re a local-government outreach, for gosh sakes), and we won’t share your name with the world unless you want us to, so the only real glory is knowing that you’re Kane County’s “one in 10,000.”

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Just the tip of the Kane County Connects daily e-newsletter.

That said, we hope our extremely intelligent and loyal readers (that’s you) will help us reach the coveted five-digit benchmark. All you really need to do is post or share this article’s URL on Facebook, click on this link to subscribe to either the daily or the once-a-week e-newsletter editions or forward one of our e-mailed newsletters to your friends.

As of Friday morning (Aug. 19, 2016), Kane County Connects’ daily e-newsletter tallied 8,514 subscribers, and the weekly e-newsletter was at 1,431 subscribers, for a grand total of … 9,945.

That means we’ve got 55 to go to reach the holy grail of 10K.

Why should someone subscribe to Kane County Connects? Well, there’s no charge for subscribing, no ads to wade through and you can unsubscribe at any time simply by clicking the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of every e-newsletter.

Plus, you get:

The Latest Kane County Government News — That includes stuff like road closings and construction updates, Health Department alerts, recycling announcements and “how-to” stories, timely news releases from the Office of Emergency Management, Kane County Sheriff’s Office and the Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office, important property-tax information, school news from the Regional Office of Education, vital election and voting updates, a “heads up” to Kane County Forest Preserve and nature activities, money-saving tips, veterans services articles, government-bid opportunities, links to an array of free government services you might not know about … and much, much more.

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Visit the Kane County Connects blog at

Information About What’s Happening in Neighboring Communities — Learn about new developments that fuel the local economy, village and township road work, new and innovative businesses, parks and recreation, fun activities, festivals and events of countywide interest, awards and recognition, Fermilab science and technology.

We’re talking invaluable information from 30 cities and villages, 16 townships, five colleges and universities and nine public school districts — plus library, park district, police and fire protection and other local-government agencies and institutions.

A Way to Help Others, Get Inspired and Get Involved — Part of the “aggregation for good” concept is providing a platform to spread the word about good causes and nonprofit agencies in Kane County. We publish news releases from charitable organizations, connect you to volunteer opportunities and share stories of achievement and human spirit that celebrate Kane County’s young, old and everyone in between.

Invite a friend to join the growing number of Kane County citizens who haven’t yet heard of this valuable and free resource, and help us achieve the mission we publish each day on the Kane County Connects blog and on every e-newsletter:

“Engaged Citizens. Involved Communities. Open Government.”

Rick Nagel
Kane County Outreach Coordinator
Aug. 19, 2016