Femilab's Neutrino Project Impact? How About $1.1 Billion to Local Economy

Femilab’s Neutrino Project Impact? How About $1.1 Billion to Local Economy


It’s official.

Fermilab’s next flagship project is DUNE, the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.

Fermilab calls it “a leading-edge, international experiment for neutrino science and proton decay studies.” Apparently, discoveries over the past half-century have put neutrinos, the most abundant matter particles in the universe, in the spotlight for further research into several fundamental questions about the nature of matter and the evolution of the universe — questions that DUNE will seek to answer.

What does that mean for folks who live here in Kane County?

For starters, about $1.1 billion in output and $570 million in earnings for local residents during the next 10 years, according to the Economic Impact report conducted by Anderson Economic Group. The impact of jobs for local residents is expect to peak at nearly 2,000 in 2024.

This month, hundreds of scientists from around the world met at Fermilab to coordinate the construction of large prototype detectors, prepare for the start of construction at Sanford Lab and discuss next steps for the experiment. Fermilab also hosted Illinois Lt. Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti and South Dakota Lt. Gov. Matt Michels, who both signed a joint resolution in support of DUNE.

What will be the scientific benefit of the DUNE experiment? The video and graphics below provide a glimpse at the groundbreaking discoveries scientist hope to uncover.


Aiming for Groundbreaking Discoveries

Origin of Matter

DUNE_BigBang_011116_FINALCould neutrinos be the reason that the universe is made of matter rather than antimatter? By exploring the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, DUNE seeks to revolutionize our understanding of neutrinos and their role in the universe.

Unification of Forces

DUNE_Forces_011116_FINALWith the world’s largest cryogenic particle detector located deep underground, DUNE can search for signs of proton decay. This could reveal a relation between the stability of matter and the Grand Unification of forces, moving us closer to realizing Einstein’s dream.

Black Hole Formation

DUNE_Blackhole_011116_FINALDUNE’s observation of thousands of neutrinos from a core-collapse supernova in the Milky Way would allow us to peer inside a newly-formed neutron star and potentially witness the birth of a black hole.



SOURCE: Fermilab, DUNE websites