Kane County Seeks Applicants for Metra Board Appointment
Applications from Kane County residents interested in the next available Kane County appointment to the region’s Commuter Rail Service Board, or Metra Board, will be accepted at the Kane County Board Office through Oct. 11, 2016. A formal vetting process by a special interview panel is scheduled to begin the week of Oct. 18 and a recommendation presented to the full County Board on Nov. 8.
Under statutory changes made by the Illinois General Assembly in 1983, the Metra Board was charged with a broad range of responsibilities related to fare and service levels, budgeting, capital programming, long-range planning and strategic service expansion. Metra is one of the largest and one of the most complex commuter rail systems in the nation, with a FY2016 Operating Budget of $759.8 million and a total FY2016 Capital Program of $185.7 million.
Kane County Board Chairman Chris Lauzen is empowered by state statute to make the Kane County appointment with the advice and consent of the County Board and will convene an interview panel that will include members from the County Board and county staff to vet and recommend a candidate resulting from a countywide search.
Applicants must be a Kane County resident to qualify for consideration.
According to Illinois State law, Metra board members may not be an officer, a member of the board of directors or trustees or an employee of any transit service board (Metra, Pace or CTA) or transportation agency, or be an employee of the state of Illinois, or of any unit of local government or receive any compensation from any elected or appointed office, except that a director may be a member of a school board.
The Metra Board position pays $15,000 annually, and does not include health or pension benefits.
Applicants must submit a resume and cover letter to the County Board office outlining their qualifications and explaining their interest in the position. The interview panel will take into account experience that is relative or applicable to a public transit board, availability to serve, and a convincing demonstration of why candidates consider themselves qualified. The County Board will make public a list of all applicants as well as finalists.
Applications can be submitted in person, by mail, FAX or sent electronically to Kane County Government Center, 719 Batavia Avenue, Building A, County Board Office, 3rd Floor, Geneva, IL 60134. The office phone number is 630-232-5930, the fax number is 630-232-9188 and the email address to submit an application is CLauzen@kanecoboard.org.
SOURCE: Kane County news release