Want to Join the Zoning Board of Appeals? Deadline Extended to Draw Applicants From ALL Parts of Kane County

Want to Join the Zoning Board of Appeals? Deadline Extended to Draw Applicants From ALL Parts of Kane County

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The deadline for applications to serve on the Kane County Zoning Board of Appeals has been extended one week to get a wider sampling of applicants who represent all parts of Kane County.

Mark VanKerkhoff, director of Development & Community Services, said applications should be delivered or emailed by 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016.

Land Planning Development ZBA“The initial invitation for applications through Kane County Connects and our 24 County Board members generated a lot of interest,” he said. “But the actual applications received are not enough to meet the state of Illinois requirement that the seven members be from different townships.”

With the extended deadline, Kane County specifically is seeking Zoning Board applicants in the following townships: Hampshire, Rutland, Dundee, Burlington, Plato, Virgil, Kaneville, Geneva, Big Rock and Sugar Grove.

“While all interested residents are encouraged to apply, residents of these townships are especially encouraged so the state requirements can be met,” VanKerkhoff said.

The ZBA position should appeal to anyone interested in helping to shape the present and future development of Kane County. If you care about issues of land use, community livability and smart planning, this is a great opportunity to get involved, VanKerkhoff said.

“We are looking for people who are willing to lend their specific educational, vocational and community service expertise and experience to help keep Kane County a great place to live, work and play,” he said.

About the Zoning Board of Appeals

Kane County Seal - blueThe Kane County Board has zoning and land use authority for all unincorporated areas outside the boundaries of a city or village. The ZBA makes recommendations to the County Board regarding amendments to the County Zoning Map for proposed changes in the land use of specific parcels and developments, as well as makes recommendations for revisions to the text of the adopted Zoning Ordinance.

The ZBA has the authority to grant variations to certain requirements such as lot sizes, frontage requirements and setbacks. The ZBA consists of seven total members appointed by the County Board chairman and confirmed by the County Board per County Code and serve five-year terms. The seven members are required to be from different townships.

ZBA members are compensated $60 per meeting and reimbursed for mileage.

How to Apply

Screen Shot 2016-09-08 at 10.22.28 AMPersons interested in applying should have knowledge and experience with comprehensive land use plans and zoning ordinances in general as well as be familiar with, and supportive of, the Kane County 2040 Conceptual Land Use Strategy and the Kane County 2040 Plan.

Applications are available from Mark VanKerkhoff, director of the Development & Community Services Department, by emailing him at vankerkhoffmark@co.kane.il.us. Persons with questions may call him directly, at 630-232-3451.

Application are due by 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016.

Helpful Links

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