Road Salt Workshops Series— How to Be Safe and Eco-Friendly

Road Salt Workshops Series— How to Be Safe and Eco-Friendly

Whether you want to admit it or not, winter will be here in only a few months — which means that snow-fighting activities are fast approaching for both public and private facility managers. The salt and other compounds used to manage snow and ice on our roads, parking lots and sidewalks can find its way into our waterways and have an impact on the macroinvertebrates, fish and plants that live there.

However, implementing best management practices for salt storage, handling and application can reduce the amount of salt used over the winter months, while providing the same level of safety on our roads, parking lots and sidewalks.


The Conservation Foundation is teaming up with several local government agencies, including Kane County, to host several training opportunities in September and October. The workshops will include information related to requirements for salt that are now included in many local wastewater treatment plant and municipal stormwater permits issued by Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and will give attendees the opportunity to speak with experts and business professionals about equipment, products and practices for winter road maintenance.

Each workshop is designed for a particular audience — whether you are the grounds manager for a church or school, a member of a homeowners association, or a municipal public works employee. Check out the opportunities below:

Parking Lots & Sidewalks Workshops

Designed for contractors, homeowners associations, school districts, universities, park districts, forest preserve districts, public and private facility managers, church campus maintenance, healthcare campus maintenance and other professionals and nonprofits:

Public Roads Workshops

Designed for municipal organizations responsible for maintaining public roadways (public works, streets, forestry, grounds, highway commissioners, crew leaders, operators and others.)

To learn more about these workshops or to RSVP, please contact Tara Neff with The Conservation Foundation at 630-428-4500 Ext. 123 or emai

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