West Dundee Opens Electronics Recycling Site — All 3 Kane Drop-Offs Up and Running
Residents of he northern portion of Kane County can recycle their electronics at will this week in West Dundee with the opening of Kane County’s third drop-off center.
Kane County Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland said she is thrilled to announce the latest sequel: “The Return of the West Dundee Drop-Off.” The village of West Dundee Public Works had served as a Kane County electronics drop-off since October 2012, and following the temporary closure is open again.
“When we were forced to close earlier this year, the Village Board expressed their commitment to continuing to be a drop-off,” she said. “They have been terrific partners in providing this important program.”
West Dundee Village Manager Joe Cavallaro said the village is happy to help.
“West Dundee recognizes that this collection system benefits all of the residents and municipalities of Kane County in meeting the state requirements for diversion of electronics from landfills, and that all of the local-government entities need to be part of the solution,” he said. “We applaud Kane County for taking the lead in creating a countywide system.”
The drop-off is located inside of the yard at the Public Works building at 900 Angle Tarn, just off of Route 31 behind the First Congregational Church of Dundee. See map here.
3 Sites Throughout Kane County
The opening of the West Dundee site completes the roll out of three Kane County electronics recycling drop-off locations under the operation of Kane County, eWorks Electronics Services, and village partners.
The staff for each location is provided by eWorks, a non-profit that serves these locations under contract with the county.
“That’s one of the greatest things about the new program,” Jarland said. “There is an attendant at every drop-off location to assist residents with unloading their equipment.”
The drop-off locations are:
North — West Dundee Public Works
- Location: 900 Angle Tarn, West Dundee, IL 60118 SEE MAP
- Hours: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. (Note: Hours are an hour earlier than other sites.)
Central — South Elgin Old Public Works
- Location: 735 Martin Drive, South Elgin, IL 60177 (drop-off is on the south side of the building) SEE MAP
- Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday
South — Fabyan Parkway, Batavia
- Location: 517 E. Fabyan Parkway, Batavia, IL 60510 (Old Juvenile Justice Center) SEE MAP
- Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday
Cost for TVs and Monitors
These sites offer free recycling for most electronics on the accepted items list. However, eWorks is charging a fee for TVs and computer monitors, due to the high cost of recycling these items. The fee that you pay for screened equipment goes directly to eWorks, an organization whose main mission is to employ developmentally disabled individuals.
The fee is $25 for screens under 21 inches (measured diagonally) and $35 for screens 21 inches and over.
It is recommended that you pay online in advance and bring your receipt to any drop-off or the collection event, though the fee may be paid onsite by exact cash or card.
Upcoming Weekend Collection Events
The next collection event will be 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 8, and will be held at 540 S. Randall Rd. in St. Charles. The event will accept electronics and books for recycling.
Jarland asks residents to note the information on fees for TVs and monitors above and pay online in advance if possible to help keep the lines moving smoothly. “Also if possible, use the new daily drop-off locations to avoid the lineup altogether!” she said.
At the following event, on Nov. 12, Kane County will accept electronics and books, as well as liquid latex paint (fee applies) and free confidential document shredding.
Please visit the Kane County Recycles webpage frequently to find the most current updates on the program.
Got questions? Contact Kane County Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland at 630-208-3841 or recycle@countyofkane.org.
SOURCE: Kane County Recycles news release