Winter Heating Assistance Available to Kane County Residents — Starting Now (Sept. 1, 2016)

Winter Heating Assistance Available to Kane County Residents — Starting Now (Sept. 1, 2016)

Officials with the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity’s Office of Energy Assistance have announced that applications for winter heating assistance will be accepted beginning Sept. 1.

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and Percentage of Income Payment Plan are designed to help Illinois citizens with their heating bills during the winter. Individuals with disabilities, as well as the elderly, are encouraged to submit an application for assistance.

LIHEAP_logo_Energy_AssistanceOfficials say the applications will be accepted on a first-come, first served basis and that applicants must submit the following information:

  • Proof of the household’s gross income for 30 days
  • A copy of a current rental agreement, if the applicant is renting a residence
  • Social Security numbers of everyone living in the home
  • A copy of their current heat and electric bills
  • Proof of receiving TANF, AABD, SNAP, or medical benefits through the Illinois Department of Human Services.

Disconnected households and families with children under the age of 6 can apply for assistance on Oct. 1, with all individuals ineligible for priority enrollment able to submit applications on Nov. 1.

For more information about LIHEAP, click here.

SOURCE: Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity