Celebrate Indian Culture at Annual Diwali Festival Saturday in Aurora

Celebrate Indian Culture at Annual Diwali Festival Saturday in Aurora

Aurora Diwali Facebook

The Indian American Community Outreach Advisory Board of Aurora will celebrate its annual Diwali Festival from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, at Waubonsie Valley High School, 2590 Ogden Ave.

Diwali is India’s largest annual festival. Celebrated by people throughout India, Nepal and other South Asian countries, the festival marks the beginning of the Hindu New Year.

Attended by more than 4,000 people last year, Aurora’s Diwali festival will feature the diversity of India’s music, dance and cuisine, while also highlighting the contributions of Indian Americans locally and nationally. Bollywood-style dance groups will perform, and Indian food, clothing and jewelry will be for sale throughout the evening.

The festival will conclude with an outdoor fireworks display beginning at 8:45 p.m.

The celebration is free and open to the public.


About the Indian American Community Outreach Board

Aurora Diwali CThe city of Aurora’s Indian American Community Outreach Advisory Board is believed to be the state of Illinois’ first municipally-sponsored board aimed at helping to promote Indian American culture.

The board is a non-partisan, community-based panel that will promote civic engagement and community participation. Residents interested in volunteering do not have to be of Indian American descent to serve, but they should demonstrate dedication to the city, work or own a business in Aurora, or be a member of a local community organization that serves Aurora residents.

The Indian American Community Outreach Advisory Board’s mission is to:

  • Serve as a bridge between the Indian American community and all other communities in Aurora.
  • Build higher levels of civic engagement between local government entities and the Indian American community.
  • Provide opportunities in local and international economic development efforts for Aurora’s current Indian American residents and businesses, and,
  • Embrace the Indian American community into Aurora’s cultural outreach efforts including welcoming exchange students, visiting dignitaries, cultural events, and others.

For questions and information, contact Alex Voigt at 630-256-3010 or avoigt@aurora-il.org.Location: Aurora, IL

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