UPDATE: Elgin Will Open $9 Million South Street Extension With Ribbon Cutting on Oct. 29

UPDATE: Elgin Will Open $9 Million South Street Extension With Ribbon Cutting on Oct. 29


Elgin residents and area drivers who have been anticipating the completion of the South Street extension won’t have much longer to wait.

The public is invited to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony, bike ride and lunch on Saturday, Oct. 29, to officially open and dedicate the city of Elgin’s South Street road extension. The ribbon cutting will begin at 11:15 a.m. on the east end of the new portion of South Street by Randall Road. The new road will open to vehicle traffic at 1 p.m. following the morning’s activities.

Before vehicles are able to access the road, bicyclists, walkers and runners can enjoy a “Ride Down South” on the newly constructed street before and after the ceremony. Residents wishing to participate in the bike ride should meet at 11 a.m. at Shamrock Park, 586 Waterford Drive, before riding to the site of the ribbon cutting ceremony. Children are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes and decorate their bikes. Please put safety by wearing appropriate helmets and safety gear. The free, family-friendly event is hosted by the city’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.

Following the ribbon cutting, all are invited to “Ride Down South” back to Shamrock Park for a complimentary lunch of hot dogs, chips and cider, hosted by the Elgin Community Network.

The city of Elgin awarded the long-awaited, $9 million project to extend the street back on Sept. 9, 2015.

south-street-and-projects-elginThe South Street road extension project creates a vital link between the Randall Road corridor and Elgin’s far west neighborhoods. The extension provides 1.08 miles of new road that connects Randall Road to Longcommon Parkway, 0.89 of new water main, 0.32 miles of sanitary main and 0.95 miles of storm sewer infrastructure.

A bike path spans the length of the new road, complete with new sidewalks, lighting, trees and irrigated landscaped parkways. The street will have a speed limit of 30 m.p.h.

First conceptualized in the early 2000’s following the housing boom in Elgin’s neighborhoods west of Randall Road, the city of Elgin commissioned engineering designs in 2006 for the much-needed east-west collector street and utility infrastructure. The downturn in the housing market resulted in significant delays in moving forward with this project, as the developer responsible for constructing South Street and Londonderry Drive declared bankruptcy. The city of Elgin worked for several years to secure funding from the developer’s surety bonds, acquire easements and amend engineering designs.

The project totals $9.03 million in total engineering and construction costs, funded with developer surety bonds, roadway and sewer impact fees and general obligation bonds.

The street will open ahead of its anticipated completion date of Nov. 18, 2016.

SOURCE: City of Elgin news release and website