Geneva Visitors, Commuters Can Pay For Daily Fee Parking Via Your Phone

Geneva Visitors, Commuters Can Pay For Daily Fee Parking Via Your Phone

Passport Mobile Parking Sign.png
Commuters and downtown Geneva visitors now can pay for their daily fee parking spot from the convenience of their smartphone.

The city of Geneva moved forward with the mobile parking program in response to commuters requesting an electronic payment option. Daily fee customers will no longer be required to have exact change and can even pay from the train if they happened to forget to pay in advance at the cash box.

How Does It Work?


Geneva has launched Passport, a parking payment app provider, at the city’s Third Street Commuter Parking Deck and Route 31 overflow parking lot. With the app, customers can create an account that loads funds using an online “wallet” feature linked to their debit or credit card.

A minimum of $15 and maximum of $75 can be loaded to the online wallet. An automatic replenish feature, similar to the Illinois Tollway Authority’s iPass program, is available to users.

People using the app will continue to pay the normal rates of $2 at the parking deck and $1.75 in the overflow lot (morning commute to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday), but app users will be charged a $0.37 convenience fee by Passport per transaction.

Geneva Zone Numbers

Parking Zone Number
Third Street Commuter Parking Deck 13401
Route 31 Overflow Parking Lot 13402

Where Can I Find The App?

The Passport parking app is free to download from iPhone App Store and Android Google Play. Users also can manage their parking accounts online. Signage will be displayed in the parking deck and overflow lot to instruct users how to download and get started with the app.Geneva has launched Passport, a parking payment app provider, at the Third Street Commuter Parking Deck and Route 31 overflow parking lot.

SOURCE: City of Geneva website