Kane County’s 2017 Draft Budget Now Available Online
You might not have noticed, but the 2017 Kane County draft budget is published online right now, and available for your perusal.
“Where do I find it?” you ask.
Obviously, the easiest way to find the document is just to click on this link, where you’ll see the budget in PDF form. The draft is posted on the Kane County Finance Department webpage.
If you’re navigating on the Kane County homepage, it’s a little like finding a needle in a haystack, but it’s a good way to get familiar with the Kane County government website.
- First, click on “Government” in the black banner at the top of the page.
- You’ll see County CFO Joe Onzick’s handsome fact in the upper right. Then choose “Finance.” (Under “Kane County Offices and Departments,” it’s the third box from the top, on the left.)
- Under the “Financial Reports” heading, click on “County Budgets (12).” (Fourth from the top.)
- Then click on “FY17DraftBudget.” It’s to the right of text that says, “Kane County Draft Budget for Fical Year 2017.”
If you prefer hard copy, it is also available in the County Clerk’s Office as well as the County Board Office for public viewing.
The budget is required to be on public display for 15 calendar days before it is adopted by the County Board. The County Board is expected to vote on adopting the budget at its Nov. 8 meeting.
The draft document presents the budget data in its “bare bones” form, meaning there is no explanatory information included. It is simply the budgeted amounts sorted by fund, by department and by category and contains both summary and line item detail.
For the General Fund, the total revenue and expense for the fiscal year is $84,442,728. The percent change between the 2016 Amended Budget and the 2017 Draft Budget represents a 1.31 percent increase.
More detail on the 2017 budget will be presented in future Kane County Connects articles.