Kane County's 5-Minute Survey Could Take Hours Off Your Travel Time

Kane County’s 5-Minute Survey Could Take Hours Off Your Travel Time

Kane County has a vision — or the start of one — to make the way you travel easier, safer and faster.

And county officials want your real-life, experience-rich, local insights on how to get that done.

kane-county-map-image1Starting today, the Kane County Division of Transportation is asking you to share your input by taking an interactive, mobile-friendly online survey that will take just five minutes of your time.

The county is in the process of updating its 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan, a blueprint identifying the top transportation and mobility needs in Kane County through the year 2040. The plan will be a crucial guide for the improvement of safe and reliable roadways, public transportation, and bicycle and pedestrian systems while preserving its natural resources and encouraging economic growth throughout the county.

It sounds like a big project, and it is. How will county officials know where to focus their efforts and where to allocate transportation funds?

KDOT Director Carl Schoedel says they’ll start by asking you.

Happy couple riding bicycles outside, healthy lifestyle fun concept

“We want to hear from the people who drive the roads, take the buses and walk the sidewalks throughout the county,” Schoedel said. “Responses to this survey will be crucial because no one knows better than our residents and daily visitors where the areas of potential improvement might be.”

Launched today, the survey will help determine the priorities of those who live and work in Kane County, and will even allow users to rank a list of priorities: Safety, Walking and Biking, Economic Vitality, Public Transportation, Natural Resources, Travel Time Reliability, and Investment and Funding.

Users will also be able to mark on a map specific locations that present safety concerns, are highly congested, in need of more pedestrian/bicycle paths, infrastructure improvements or require more public transit. The survey will expire on Dec. 5, 2016.

There are a couple ways to learn more about the 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan and to stay up to date on its progress and upcoming events. Ask to sign up for the project email list by sending a message to Planningstaff@countyofkane.org and visit the project website.

About the 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan

screen-shot-2016-09-28-at-11-23-35-amThe plan was first adopted in April 2012 to address existing deficiencies in the transportation network and projected countywide development trends. Mandated by Illinois State Statute, a long-term plan like this is imperative for the safety of Kane County residents and visitors, and a key planning tool to support viable economic development. The plan is based on projections of growth and travel demand.

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