Learn to Identify Trees During a Hands-On Nature Program

Learn to Identify Trees During a Hands-On Nature Program

About this time of year, students (and parents) from schools throughout Kane County are facing the dreaded leaf project.

That’s the one for which leaves must be collected from multiple tree varieties and locations, properly organized, explained and displayed — and it’s often much more difficult than anyone expects because the same tree leaf will look different in every reference book and online site. What you need, you think, is some expert help.

Various autumn leaves isolated on the white background.

Well, it just so happens you can learn to identify trees in the fall, during a “Learn from the Experts” nature program from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, at Freeman Kame Forest Preserve.

You’ll learn the basics of tree identification and gain experience in identifying trees, during “Fall Tree Identification.”

This class will begin with an introduction to basic plant morphology, needed for the tree identification. You’ll take a walk on the wooded trails to learn the common hardwood trees, as well as several methods of tree identification.

Registration is $10 per person and advance registration is required. Register by calling 630-444-3190 or e-mail programs@kaneforest.com.

This program takes place at Freeman Kame Forest Preserve, located at 40W346 Freeman Road, Gilberts.

Learn from the Experts programs are for ages 18 and above. This program series is cosponsored by the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, the St. Charles Park District and the Geneva Park District.

For more information on this or other Learn from the Experts programs, visit www.kaneforest.com.

About Freeman Kame Forest Preserve

freemanKame (3) forest preserve

The Freeman Kame-Meaagher Farm is some of Kane County’s most picturesque topography situated on the northern flank of the kettle-moraine complex north of Gilberts. Here we have the wet kettle pockets defined by the wooded kames and numerous hills and drumlins that create a panorama of habitats ranging from the spectacular to the cozy secluded nooks. This region holds the potential for a very large forest preserve of exceptionally attractive lands.

Freeman Kame is now our highest risk natural area and from “Wild Plants and Natural Areas,” “….40 acres of this exceptional mix of habitats that now provides a very valuable window to our past and a link to the protection of a host of wildlife forms. The quiet splendor and richness of this place transcends description, and it is a humbling experience to witness this interesting native pageant.”

Freeman Kame is located on Freeman Road. Meagher is located between Powers Road and Freeman Road.

SOURCE: Kane County Forest Preserve District
