'Veterans Nite Out' Is First Fundraiser For Vietnam Moving Wall Visit

‘Veterans Nite Out’ Is First Fundraiser For Vietnam Moving Wall Visit


The first major fundraiser to bring the Vietnam Moving Wall to our neck of the woods will take place on Veterans Day in Aurora.

The new event, called Veterans Nite Out, is set from 6 p.m. to midnight Friday, Nov. 11, 2016, at Ballydoyle’s Restaurant & Pub, 28 West New York St. Aurora. The cost is a $20 donation at the door with all proceeds going to The Moving Wall – Oswego 2017.

Veterans Nite Out promises to be a fun-filled evening of music, finger food, libations and camaraderie. A 50-inch television (donated by Walmart Oswego) will be given away as a door prize. The StingRays, a ’50s, ’60s and ’70s rock ‘n’ roll band, will perform from 8 p.m. midnight.

The Vietnam Moving Wall is a replica of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C., and will be coming to Prairie Point Park in Oswego on June 29 through July 3, 2017. Bringing this memorial to Oswego shows respect and honor to the 58,313 men and women that paid the ultimate sacrifice in the Vietnam Conflict.


  • Where: Ballydoyle Pub, 28 W. New York St., Aurora
  • When: 6 p.m. to midnight Fridya, Nov. 11, 2016
  • Cost: $20 donation at door
  • What You Get: two hours finger food, 50-50 raffles, one free beer, music by the StingRays, and a chance at the 50-inch TV doorprize
  • Why: All proceeds go toward bringing the Vietnam Moving Wall to Oswego in 2017.

