Kane County Engineer Carl Schoedel Elected President of American Transportation Officials Group

Kane County Engineer Carl Schoedel Elected President of American Transportation Officials Group

It’s not “king of the universe,” but as titles go, president of American transportation officials is not too bad.

And that’s the most recent title you can add to the curriculum vitae of Carl Schoedel, who also happens to be Kane County engineer and director of the Kane County Division of Transportation.

photo by jennifer wolfe2015www.wolfephoto.comjennifer@wolfephoto.com312-733-5227

Schoedel has been elected president of the Transportation Officials Division of the American Road and Transportation Builders Association. Founded in 1902, ARTBA is a federation that represents the public and private sectors of the transportation design and construction industry that advocates strong investment in transportation infrastructure investment to meet the public and business demand for safe and efficient travel.

The Transportation Officials Division provides a voice and input for public officials on a national scale. The TOD helps chart the course for ARTBA’s policy development and advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C., and has been a key player in the passage of every major transportation investment bill since 1916.

Schodel was chosen in part because of his “everyman” persona and Renaissance man talent, serving as engineer, planner and manager with more than three decades of public service on his resume. His professional experience includes public policy assignments ranging from energy distribution to water supply protection to transportation.

Schoedel’s key accomplishments in Kane County are almost too many to name. One of the biggies is the Stearns Road Bridge Corridor project, a 4.6‐mile improvement extending from Randall Road in Kane County to the DuPage County line. The project received numerous regional, state and national awards, including the 2012 ACEC National Honor Award for Engineering Excellence, the 2012 ARTBA-TDF Globe Award for Sustainability, the 2011 ACEC-Illinois Chapter “Eminent Conceptor” Award and the 2011 APWA Chicago Metro Chapter Transportation Project of the Year over $100 Million.

schoedelPresently under Schoedel’s management is Longmeadow Parkway, a $115 million regional bridge corridor and 5.6-mile highway, a project requiring intergovernmental coordination, strong municipal support and funding provided by multiple sources, including via tolls, municipal  and county investment, counties, private developers and state and federal grants.

Schoedel has spearheaded successful efforts to increase infrastructure funding through Local Option Motor Fuel Tax, the issuance of bonds, the adoption and implementation of a Roadway Impact Fee Program, and cooperative financing.

Schoedel is also known locally for his community involvement and statewide and nationally for his professional expertise.

In 2015, he was recognized by the American Public Works Association with the Community Involvement Award. He and his wife, Lisa, were the recipients of CASA Kane County’s “Children’s Champion Couple” award for raising awareness and support of the organization. His other philanthropic endeavors have included raising money and awareness for the Northern Illinois Food Bank, the Naperville Area Humane Society, and providing two substantial academic scholarships to IUPUI since 2003.

“Mr. Schoedel is the perfect candidate for this position, and the ARTBA’s Transportation Officials Division is fortunate to have a leader of his stature,” said Michael J. Sturino, president and CEO of the Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association.

“Carl has over 28 years of experience collaborating with the public and private sector,” Sturino added. “He has been a strong voice for sustainable funding for our region’s, and nation’s infrastructure, has successfully implemented high-profile, award winning transportation capital improvement projects, and is well respected by his peers and by the design and construction community.”

SOURCE: Kane County Division of Transportation news release