Forest Preserve District Surveys Residents for Ideas, Opinions

Forest Preserve District Surveys Residents for Ideas, Opinions


Share your thoughts about the Kane County forest preserves in a new, online survey!

The Forest Preserve District of Kane County is asking for your thoughts and ideas about the district, in order to shape future plans and preserve improvements. The 2016 Resident Survey, available via the district’s website at, polls users on district amenities, frequency of use, overall satisfaction, activities offered, nature programming, district priorities and more.

naturalists nature programs Forest Preserve IMGP0789The survey is easy and takes just a few minutes to complete. But it also offers comment sections for additional feedback not covered in other survey sections.

The Forest Preserve District surveys residents every few years to help master planning efforts, budgeting and other processes.

“The opinion of Kane County residents is really crucial to our success as a district,” said Executive Director Monica Meyers. “The preserves exist to serve our residents, and this survey is a tool for us to know whether we’re meeting our residents’ needs, and what the community’s priorities are. Our hope is that as many households as possible take the time to share their ideas and opinions with us.”

In prior years, surveys were conducted via mail and telephone. This year, in support of the district’s commitment to environmental sustainability, the district is solely conducting the survey online. This will save paper, ink and postage, as well as time, Meyers said.

The 2016 Resident Survey will remain open through year-end. To access the survey, see the “News at the District” section of the district’s home page at

SOURCE: Forest Preserve District of Kane County

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