Fox Valley Park District's $23 Million Tax Levy Is Up But Tax Rate Will Go Down

Fox Valley Park District’s $23 Million Tax Levy Is Up But Tax Rate Will Go Down

The Fox Valley Park District’s Board of Trustees this week approved the agency’s $23 million tax levy that will support the district’s 2017 fiscal year budget.

The levy represents a slight increase over the prior year, marking the first time in six years that the district will be capturing new construction. But with the probability of a higher Estimated Assessed Valuation in Kane and DuPage counties, the tax burden for residents is expected to be less than the previous year.

home property tax concept illustration design over a white background

That translates into $11 less paid annually for the owner of a $250,000 home. For each $100 in taxes paid by residents in Kane County, $5.35 of that goes toward the Park District.

“This year’s budget continues our model of best practices in accordance with the Government Finance Officers Association,” Board President Chuck Anderson said. “We continue to focus on fiscal accountability and outstanding stewardship of taxpayer dollars.”

Fox Valley Park District Executive Director Jim Pilmer said district staff is focused on enhancing efficiencies and generating more non-tax revenues.

“We will continue to explore feasible alternatives and collaborative efforts to ensure maximum efficiencies,” said Pilmer. “Through careful budgeting and monitoring of expenditures, we have been successful at maintaining a flat levy for five years running. This year, even though our levy request included a slight increase, the cost to taxpayers will be less due to rising EAVs.”

The Park District’s levy of $23,256,211 does not necessarily reflect the amount of tax receipts that will be received by the district for next year. Final numbers from Kane, Kendall, DuPage and Will counties are expected in the spring.

SOURCE: Fox Valley Park District news release

About the Fox Valley Park District

Fox Valley Park District logoThe Fox Valley Park District is a dynamic and growing park district that serves a diverse population of more than 233,000 people. Recognized as an Illinois Distinguished Agency, Fox Valley holds the nation’s highest honor as a National Gold Medal Award winner for excellence in park and recreation management. Serving the communities of Aurora, Montgomery and North Aurora, the district maintains 165 parks and 48 miles of inter-connected regional trails amid 2,500 acres of parkland. For more information, visit or the Fox Valley Park District Facebook page.