Kane County Board Sets 2017 Committees; Hoscheit Is Vice Chair
The Kane County Board has approved Kane County Board Chairman Chris Lauzen’s appointments for County Board standing committees and chose longtime board member John Hoscheit to serve as Kane County Board vice chairman.
The appointments passed 21-3 at today’s (Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016) Kane County Board meeting, with board members Mark Davoust, Don Ishmael and Barbara Wojnicki casting dissenting votes.
Hoscheit represents County Board District 12, comprised of the communities of Wayne, St. Charles and Geneva on the east side of the Fox River, and is perhaps best known for serving 12 years as president of the Kane County Forest Preserve District. He will continue to serve as chair the Finance Committee following Tuesday’s appointments.
Hoscheit follows previous Vice Chairman Drew Frasz, who will continue as chairman of the Transportation Committee. Frasz nominated Hoscheit for the position as vice chair, and the nomination was approved unanimously.
“It was an honor serving as vice chairman,” Frasz said. “It’s something I really appreciate, because it’s a position (for which) you are elected by your peers.”
Hoscheit, Deborah Allan and Kurt Kojzarek were appointed to the Riverboat Grant ad hoc committee. Other ad hoc committee appointments — for the Community Development Committee, Labor Management Committee, Legal Affairs/Claims Committee and Liquor Commission — have yet to be determined.
Two standing committees will have co-chairs. Rebecca Gillam and Brian Dahl will co-chair the Jobs Committee, and Susan Starrett and Barbara Hernandez will co-chair the Legislative Committee.
The following are the 2017 standing committee appointments as approved Tuesday by the Kane County Board:
2017 Committees Kane County Board
Administration Committee
- Chair: Deborah Allan
- Committee Members: Bill Lenert, Brian Dahl, Rebecca Gillam, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas (T.R.) Smith, Penny Wegman.
Agriculture Committee
- Chair: Thomas (T.R.) Smith
- Committee Members: Michael Kenyon, Maggie Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Don Ishmael, Myrna Molina
County Development Committee
- Chair: Kurt Kojzarek
- Committee Members: John Martin, Maggie Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Bill Lenert, Thomas (T.R.) Smith and ex-officio members Drew Frasz (Transportation Committee chair) and Michael Kenyon (Forest Preserve District president)
Energy/Environmental Committee
- Chair: Penny Wegman
- Committee Members: Drew Frasz, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Barbara Hernandez, Michael Kenyon, Jarett Sanchez
Executive Committee
- Chair: Chris Lauzen (County Board Chairman)
- Committee Members: Deborah Allan, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Kurt Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Thomas (T.R.) Smith, Penny Wegman
Finance Committee
- Chair: John Hoscheit
- Committee Members: Susan Starrett, Deborah Allan, Kurt Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Douglas Scheflow, Penny Wegman
Human Services Committee
- Chair: Bill Lenert
- Committee Members: Brian Dahl, Deborah Allan, Rebecca Gillam, John Martin, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas (T.R.) Smith
Jobs Committee
- Chair: Rebecca Gillam, Brian Dahl
- Committee Members: Barbara Hernandez, Philip Lewis, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Angela Thomas
Judicial/Public Safety Committee
- Chair: John Martin
- Committee Members: Kurt Kojzarek, Rebecca Gillam, Bill Lenert, Monica Silva, Thomas (T.R. Smith), Susan Starrett
Legislative Committee
- Chair: Susan Starrett, Barbara Hernandez
- Committee Members: Deborah Allan, Philip Lewis, Monica Silva, Angela Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki
Public Health Committee
- Chair: Monica Silva
- Committee Members: Susan Starrett, Deborah Allan, Barbara Hernandez, Don Ishmael, Thomas (T.R.) Smith, Angela Thomas
Public Service Committee
- Chair: Douglas Scheflow
- Committee Members: Barbara Wojnicki, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Philip Lewis, Myrna Molina, Penny Wegman
Transportation Committee
- Chair: Drew Frasz
- Committee Members: Rebecca Gillam, Maggie Auger, Brian Dahl, Bill Lenert, Jarett Sanchez, Thomas (T.R.) Smith, and ex-officio Kurt Kojzarek (County Development Chair)