Kane County's New Case Management System Up and Running

Kane County’s New Case Management System Up and Running

The Odyssey Case Management System from Tyler Technologies was launched successfully today (Monday, Dec. 5) and is in full use throughout the Kane County judicial system.

What does that mean for the average Jane or Joe citizen?

It means electronic case filing is on the way. It means several units of local government — the Circuit Clerk’s Office, the 16th Circuit Court, the Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office and the Kane County Sheriff’s Office — will be figuratively and sometimes literally on the same page. The results include greater efficiency almost immediately and lower costs in the long run.


From left to right, 16th Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Susan Boles, Kane County State’s Attorney Joe McMahon, Kane County Public Defender Kelli Childress, and Circuit Clerk Tom Hartwell helped oversee today’s launch of Kane County’s new electronic court case management system. (CREDIT: Kane County Circuit Clerk’s Office)

“This new court management system provides seamless integration between judicial departments while improving access to court documents by attorneys and the public,” says Circuit Clerk Tom Hartwell. “The steps we take today pave the way for an even more efficient electronic court room of the future.”

Two years in the making, this judicial management system has been described as the most comprehensive and extensive of its kind in the Midwest. This will also allow your business to have a management systems consultancy platform, allowing your business to make the whole process a breeze.

The Odyssey system is designed to bring coordination and efficiency to the entire judicial process from case initiation through case conclusion. The judiciary, States Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, attorneys representing defendants or litigants and the Circuit Clerk are all now interlinked and coordinated through the new system.

To ease the transition, the Circuit Clerk’s Office and the courts operated with manual processes from Nov. 28 through Dec. 4. That provided time to shut down the old legacy system and transfer data to the new system, where it was verified and configured. Today marks the first day of operation through the new Tyler Odyssey solution.

“Electronic case filing will also be available in a matter of days in Kane County,” Hartwell said. “This will be offered through the eFileIL, the Illinois Court’s mandatory electronic filing system.”

Electronic traffic and public ordinance citations are also set to launch in the first quarter of 2017, bringing new efficiencies to law enforcement agencies, the courts and the Circuit Clerk’s Office.

The Circuit Clerk’s Office invites court system users to subscribe to its new Email Update program by visiting the “contact us” area of the circuit clerk’s website. Mobile users can simply text CIRCUITCLERK to 22828. Questions may be posed by emailing circuitclerk@co.kane.il.us.

The Kane County Circuit Clerk’s Office and the 16th Judicial Circuit Court process more than 25,000 case files each month and the Circuit Clerk’s Office handles 5,500 phone inquiries per month from citizens, court officials and attorneys. The office of Kane County Circuit Clerk is located in the Kane Branch Court building at 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles, just north of IL Route 38.

SOURCE: Kane County Circuit Clerk’s Office news release

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