Want to Help Protect Water Quality in Kane County? Join the New Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee

Want to Help Protect Water Quality in Kane County? Join the New Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee

Many longtime residents of Kane County remember the devastation of the Flood of 1996, when damages totaled $600 million to $700 million. Not long after that event, Kane County developed the Kane County Stormwater Management Ordinance to address flooding risks in the community.

Fast forward 14 years, and Kane County is now preparing to embark on the first major rewriting of the Stormwater Ordinance since it became effective on Jan. 1, 2002.

This modernization of the ordinance will provide the opportunity to better protect water quality by incorporating green infrastructure techniques and current best management practices — a revision process that will benefit from having participation from stakeholders throughout the county.

Kane County’s first step is to form a new Technical Advisory Committee to review ordinance content and make recommendations to the Stormwater Committee over the next two years. Members of the committee will meet monthly through 2018.

Applicants are being sought from municipal staff members, conservation/watershed groups, developers, agricultural/farm bureau members, and local engineering firms in order to form a well-rounded committee to advise the ordinance-revision process.

How to Apply

Persons interested in serving on the committee should have knowledge and experience with the Kane County Stormwater Management Ordinance, and be familiar with current stormwater practices or issues.

Applications should include a brief description of stormwater experience and reason for interest in being a part of the committee. Applications should be submitted via email to Water Resources Department Assistant Director Jodie Wollnik, P.E., CFM, at wollnikjodie@co.kane.il.us. Persons with questions may call Wollnik directly at 630-232-3499.

Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. Jan. 23, 2017.