Carpentersville Close to Funding $13.9 Million Route 31 Intersection Improvement
The village of Carpentersville is one step closer to the funding it needs for a long-awaited $13.9 million improvement to a major intersection.
Carpentersville officials announced Tuesday (Feb. 7, 2017) that the village has now received more than 80 percent of funding through IDOT proportionate share funds and grants for intersection improvements and upgraded signals at IL Route 31 and Huntley Road/Main Street.
Engineering Manager Ed Szydlowski said the village is committed to getting the work done.

(CREDIT: Google Maps)
“The village has been successful in obtaining various grants and funding commitments, thereby reducing the village’s proportionate share for roadway-related improvements to only 17 percent of construction costs,” he said. “The village will fund 100 percent of new watermain and sanitary sewer costs as those improvements, while needed, are not eligible for these grant funds”.
The improvement project, originally proposed in 2006, consisted of intersection improvements and upgraded signals. In May 2010, the scope of work was revised to include intersection improvements at the intersection of Main Street/Lincoln Avenue. The improvements also extend west to Elm Avenue. A separate project in conjunction with West Dundee extends from Elm Avenue to Sleepy Hollow Road.
A 2011 traffic study conducted by our consulting engineer and following Federal Administration Highway Administration guidelines found that the intersection failed in both condition and functioning level of service during peak periods. The study estimated that the intersection’s ability to move traffic effectively will continue to decrease over the next 20 years, as the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning has projected traffic growth of 21 percent by 2030.
“The goal of these intersection improvements is to provide reduced travel times, mitigate the high accident rates, reduce air pollution from traffic congestion, and increase the level of service to those driving on our streets,” said Village President Ed Ritter.
The project consists of three phases and then the right-of-way improvements. The improvements include:
- Adding dual left-turn lanes for northbound and southbound IL Route 31 (Western Avenue) and a northbound right-turn lane
- Widening of 700 feet of Spruce Drive along IL-31
- Widening of Huntley Road going eastbound to provide dual right turn lanes, a single left turn lane, and two dedicated through lanes
- Widening of Main Street going westbound to provide dual left turn lanes
- At the Main Street/Lincoln Avenue intersection, adding left turn lanes on all legs and an eastbound right-turn lane from Main Street onto Lincoln Avenue
Additionally, much needed underground infrastructure improvements, including the rehabilitation of storm sewer and sanitary sewers, will be made. Overall, the total project length is 5,600 feet, or 1.06 miles of improvements. All improvements should be completed by spring of 2019.
The village was able to secure $5.9 million in grants from the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program, $4.2 million in grants through the Kane/Kendall Councils of Mayors’ Surface Transportation Program, and $1.4 million in proportionate share funds from the Illinois Department of Transportation for their portion of the right-of- way.
“The Kane/Kendall Council of Mayors was instrumental in finding funding for this project,” Ritter said. “They, along with IDOT, have both raised their financial contributions twice because the costs have escalated, thus keeping Carpentersville’s share as small as possible.”
SOURCE: Village of Carpentersville news release

(CREDIT: Google Maps)