Chairman's Video Address: Let's Focus on the Positives in Local Government

Chairman’s Video Address: Let’s Focus on the Positives in Local Government

Kane County Board Chairman Chris Lauzen has posted the first in a series of monthly video addresses on topics of interest to citizens of Kane County.

The video address, posted Wednesday on the Kane County website and YouTube channel, talks about focusing on the positives of local government and names 10 achievements of 2016 that might not have received a lot of media attention but were of significant benefit to Kane County citizens.

Lauzen emphasizes that those accomplishments were in large part due to cooperation and teamwork of elected officials from various branches of local government.

You can see the video for yourself by clicking the play button on the video embedded above. This video and future monthly videos will be available on the home page of the Kane County website near the bottom of the page.

The YouTube video is posted at the lower left corner of the Kane County homepage, and looks like this.

The videos also can be viewed on the Kane County Government YouTube page.

Lauzen concludes his address with a call to Kane County citizens, elected officials and media to work together in 2017.

“This year and every year,” he said, “Kane County will strive to accentuate the positive, as we continue to deliver real progress on your behalf.”