Forest Preserve District Hopes to Extend Great Western Trail to Randall Road

Forest Preserve District Hopes to Extend Great Western Trail to Randall Road

The Forest Preserve District of Kane County hopes to extend the Great Western Trail from LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve to the Randall Road trail connection.

The Forest Preserve Commission gave the go-ahead Tuesday (Feb. 14, 2017) to apply for a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement grant to assist in funding the acquisition and construction to extend the trail.

The Union Pacific Railroad is asking $622,580 for the abandoned railroad right of way, and the estimated cost to construct the trail is $100,000 for a total project cost of $722,580. The grant would reimburse the district up to 50 percent of the acquisition costs and 80 percent of the construction costs.

The Great Western Trail is a regional trail that extends for 15 miles east to west across the county and includes more than 300 acres of forest preserve. The trail was originally constructed on right of way abandoned by the railroad and is gaining in popularity every year. Presently, the Great Western Trail starts at LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve and continues beyond the western edge of the county.

Recently, additional railroad right of way was abandoned and a section from LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve to Randall Road has become available for possible purchase.

The district has teamed up with the city of St. Charles and the St. Charles Park District to work with the railroad on acquiring the railroad right of way for the purpose of extending the trail system east to Randall Road. The district would acquire the right of way from LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve to Randall Road and the city and the Park District would acquire the right of way from Randall Road east to the existing Fox River crossing.

Resolution No. FP-R-17-02-2514

Resolution Authorizing the District to Apply for a CMAQ Grant for the Great Western Trail Extension at the LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve

WHEREAS, the Forest Preserve District of Kane County desires to apply for a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program Grant to assist in funding the acquisition and construction to extend the Great Western Trail from the LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve to the Randall Road trail connection; and

WHEREAS, the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program has graciously consented to support the District in past efforts to provide open space and recreation amenities for the Citizens of Kane County; and

WHEREAS, the District desires to seek the aid of CMAQ for the acquisition and construction to extend the Great Western Trail.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, that the President be and hereby is, authorized to seek a grant from CMAQ for the assistance in the acquisition and construction to extend the Great Western Trail from the LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve to the Randall Road trail connection by applying for this grant.

SOURCE: Kane Forest Preserve Commission and Executive Committee agenda packets

About the Forest Preserve District of Kane County

The Forest Preserve District of Kane County acquires, holds and maintains land to preserve natural and historic resources, habitats, flora and fauna. The district restores, restocks, protects and preserves open space for the education, recreation and pleasure of Kane County citizens. For more information, visit the district’s website or find them on social media via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Also, sign up for the quarterly TreeLine Newsletter.

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