Kane County Seeks Input on Health Issues This Week in Carpentersville, Elgin, Aurora
The Kane County Health Department wants your input on health issues in three important sessions this coming week in Carpentersville, Elgin and Aurora.
“We want you to join the Community Council in your neighborhood!” Kane County Health Department Executive Director Barb Jeffers said. “This is an opportunity for you to give your opinion on how you would like to improve the health of your community.”
The Community Council meeting will be held at the following times, dates and locations:
- Carpentersville: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Feb. 21, at the deLancy Center, 50 Cleveland Ave.,
- Elgin: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 23, at the YWCA, 220 E. Chicago St.
- Aurora: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 27, at the Kane County Health Department, 1240 N. Highland Ave., Room 13.
The Community Council meetings are part of the Health Department’s #GiveKaneAVoice campaign — an unprecedented initiative by the Kane County Health Department to give Kane County residents a chance to speak their minds about the ideas, concerns and opinions that will shape future health programs. The Health Department is seeking volunteers from all walks of life to discuss ways to improve the culture of health where they live, work and play.
The Council meetings will be bilingual and food and childcare will be provided.
Kane County is one of the 50 agencies across the U.S. selected to participate in the Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge.
“We want your help to make decisions that will impact your health,” Jeffers said. “Please let us know if you can attend any of these council meetings.”
If you plan to attend, the Health Department asks that you call Terry Roman at romanterry@co.kane.il.us or call 630-264-7653. More information about the Councils and the Healthy Community 50 Challenge can be found by clicking HERE.
“Come share your thoughts and opinions about the important health issues unique to your area and talk to other residents about how to make it a healthier, safer place to live,” Jeffers said. “Remember: Your voice matters!”
SOURCE: Kane County Health Department