POW! Angie, Angie ... Where Will It Lead Us From Here?

POW! Angie, Angie … Where Will It Lead Us From Here?

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

Carl Bard

  • KCAC’s Adorable, Adoptable Pet of the Week is written by Tecla Metzel of Kane County Animal Control.

Your home is your base, the place where you go to heal from the day’s traumas and events. It’s the place where you can hide out until you have re-energized enough to face the new day. Losing that foundation can throw your life into an upheaval until you’ve had a chance to recover and can find a new place to call home.

Angie (CREDIT: Kane County Animal Control)

So it is for any domesticated cat or dog that becomes displaced or surrendered after spending a significant amount of its life trusting that their current environment is truly their forever home.

The positive spin on this scenario is that new beginnings can happen at KCAC.

Angie, is a 5-year-old brown and gray tiger surrendered to KCAC because her owner was no longer able to care for her. She comes across as quite timid at first, but after a short period of time, she begins her warm-up process.

As you begin to grow on her, she will start to show her sweetheart side, and within minutes you’ve become her new BFF. Playing is for kittens, according to her rules, because her focus is more on cuddling and making sure you love her enough.

Her one request is that you have enough blankets on the couch or the floor for her to show you her burrito trick. Right before your eyes, she actually wraps herself up, by herself, into a blanket burrito. It’s the only magic she knows, but it definitely is a crowd-pleaser.

Angie deserves a fresh start and a second chance at a forever home, as do so many displaced former pets. Are you the one to give her the new beginning she so richly deserves?

KCAC Updates

Patrick (left) and Guinness (CREDIT: KCAC)

Our two orange 15-week-old kittens, Patrick and his brother Guinness, were born into a horrific environment, but nothing could stop them from acting like normal kittens. As they tore through the office of KCAC, hiding in cubbyholes, crawling under cabinets and wrestling under desks, they certainly made themselves known. Luckily, the boys were adopted into their forever home last week, thus saving the KCAC building from complete demolition. Congratulations, Patrick and Guinness!

How to Adopt

All Kane County Animal Control adoptable cats and dogs are spayed/neutered, microchipped and up-to-date on all vaccines, including rabies. They are tested for feline leukemia/FIV and heartworm.

The adoption fee for dogs is $200 and $100 for cats. Adoption of two dogs is $300 and it is $150 to adopt two cats.

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About Kane County Animal Control

It is the duty of the Animal Control Department to:

  • Kane County Animal Control Logo KCAC Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 11.39.45 AMEnsure that all domesticated dogs and cats over 4 months of age are vaccinated against rabies and have a Kane County rabies tag.
  • Ensure that all reported animal bites are given precautionary attention in relation to the possibility rabies infection.
  • Ensure that pet owners are instructed on proper procedures pertaining to animal bites and enforce adherence to these procedures.
  • Contain loose\stray dogs in unincorporated Kane County and those towns and villages with whom contracted.
  • Investigate nuisance dog complaints in unincorporated Kane County and those towns and villages with whom contracted.
  • Investigate complaints of neglected and\or abused dogs.

Visit the KCAC website (kanecountypets.com) and Facebook page!