Spring 2017 Fish Sale!

Spring 2017 Fish Sale!

A few days ago, we told you about the Kane-DuPage Soil & Water Conservation District‘s very cool Spring 2017 Tree Sale, in which Kane County residents can get trees, shrubs and garden kits at affordable prices.

Here’s a tip on another Soil & Water District initiative that might be even more interesting: the Spring 2017 Fish Sale.

Yep, you heard right.

Here’s an opportunity to select fish to stock your pond. Again, this is information that can be of value to homeowners, members of homeowner associations and local businesses.

Fish orders are taken in Spring and Fall with pick-up dates in April and October. Triploid Grass Carp, used for biological weed control, are often in pretty big demand and are available through the KDSWCD.

Order Deadlines

  • Triploid Carp by April 3
  • All other Fish by April 14

Fish Pick-up

  • 7:30 -8:30 a.m. Saturday, April 22, 2017
  • KDSWCD Office, 2315 Dean St., St. Charles

More Information

Fish Facts!

Channel Catfish

The Channel Catfish is not only an outstanding food fish, but also is an excellent sport fish. It is very popular because of its very fast growth rate when fed a commercial fish food. It is compatible in lakes and ponds with all species and works especially well with Hybrid Sunfish and Largemouth Bass.

Growth Rates: Up to 1 pound per year if fed a commercial feed.

Hybrid Sunfish

The Hybrid Sunfish is produced by crossing a male Bluegill with a female Green Sunfish. This hybrid cross produces a 90% male, 10% female population. This makes the Hybrid Sunfish an excellent pond fish as it will not over populate. It also accepts artificial feed readily and grows to a much larger size than either parent; 1-2 pound fish are not uncommon.

Growth Rates: 1/4 – 1/2 pound per year if fed a commercial feed.

Largemouth Bass

The Largemouth Bass is one of the most popular sport fish in America. It is a predator and works well to help control stunted Bluegill and Crappie populations. By nature, this fish will not accept artificial feed, but our supplying fishery does raise Largemouth (5-8” only) that accept the same feed that Channel Catfish and Hybrid Sunfish eat. This greatly increases their growth rates.

Growth Rates: 1/2 – 3/4 pound per year

Fathead Minnows

Fathead Minnows should be stocked in new ponds. They should also be stocked prior to stocking Largemouth Bass so they have an opportunity to spawn and provide plenty of feed for your Bass. Fathead Minnows should be stocked at 5 pounds per surface acre.


Bluegill are similar to the Hybrid Sunfish except they do not grow as quickly and tend to overpopulate much more rapidly than Hybrid Sunfish.

Hybrid Redear

Hybrid Redear is a cross between a male bluegill and a female redear. It DOES eat snails and clams and has a slightly higher reproductive rate than the Hybrid Sunfish.

Black Crappie

Black Crappie is not recommended for ponds smaller than 5 acres. They can overpopulate and compete with other sunfish for feed. Ponds larger than 5 acres should stock 100 Crappies per year.

Triploid Grass Carp

The Triploid Grass Carp is a viable alternative to using chemicals for weed control. This fish will not reproduce and when the proper numbers are stocked, may eliminate the need for using chemicals or mechanical weed cutters. However, Grass Carp will only eat pond weeds. Stocking rates for each pond will be different, depending on the amount of weeds present. These Carp eat most aggressively in the hot summer months, and positive results are usually seen after a second season. Total eradication of plant cover in a pond is not a desired effect as it is beneficial to have at least 40% vegetative plant cover.

SOURCE: Kane-DuPage Soil & Water Conservation District website