U-46 Names Gail Borden Library District as Business Partner of the Year
School District U-46 recently celebrated its long-time collaborative relationship with the Gail Borden Public Library District, one of the best library systems in the nation.
The district last week awarded Gail Borden Public Library District with the Elgin Chamber of Commerce’s 2016-17 Business Partner of the Year Award for its steadfast cooperation and innovation with U-46 students and staff.
“Gail Borden Public Library District has been a tremendous supporter of our schools and the entire district,” said U-46 CEO Tony Sanders. “Thanks to their teamwork, we have been able to provide additional services and programs for our students, families and staff.”
The library has worked alongside U-46 the past five years during the Summer Reading Challenge, welcoming thousands of students and families to their three sites and encouraging them to participate in the challenge.
Gail Borden staff has also supported the Summer School programs in past years by helping our children maintain and improve their literacy level with their visits to school sites. When the District decided to move the summer school programming into the libraries, Gail Borden provided rooms at the Elgin location and the Rakow Branch. Together, more than 3,000 students were served at the program.
Recently, the staff worked with the Citizens’ Advisory Council Specialized Student Services Committee to host a series of seminars for parents of children with special needs. The library has provided space for the U-46 schools’ Parent Teacher Organizations and Parent Teacher Associations to host networking events. The library also shared resources and support services with the PTOs and PTAs to promote reading in schools.
CEO Sanders presented Gail Borden Public Library District Executive Director Carole Medal with the award last week during the Chamber’s Business Partner Awards at the Grand Victoria Casino in Elgin. Gail Borden has earned more than 20 national, state and local awards including the 2009 Medal for Museum and Library Sciences.
“We are honored to be U-46’s Business Partner of the Year. When the school district and the library work closely together to motivate students to get library cards, to hold summer school at the library, to spur students to join the science fair, to read great books — especially during the summer — and much more, there are significant long-term benefits for young people,” Medal said. “We love contributing. Thank you to U-46 for being innovative and visionary in creating this atmosphere where fundamentally important educational institutions can work so closely together.”
Upcoming partnerships include the Library Card Challenge, beginning March 2, which will encourage all elementary students to become library cardholders. Additionally, the library will provide space during the 2017 Kane County Institute Day on Friday, March 3 when teachers will take time for professional development.
In addition, a multicultural literary resource for elementary literacy will be created that includes fiction and nonfiction texts with a Latino and Asian American focus, following work several years ago that focused on fiction and nonfiction texts written by African Americans. Gail Borden staff members also continue to be involved with the Alignment Collaborative for Education to support the district’s Strategic Plan for the next several years.
SOURCE: U-46 news release