United Way of Elgin Accepts 2017-19 Funding Applications
Over the past decade, United Way of Elgin has evolved from its roots as a fundraising organization to an important community convener that works to mobilize local partners, including businesses, community leaders, public officials and community residents to expand opportunities for people to succeed.
“Working together, we must tap into people’s aspirations, focus on issues and underlying conditions for change, and bring people and organizations together to create lasting impact,” the organization said in a recent news release.
To identify the best programs to achieve those goals, United Way of Elgin is accepting applications from community organizations seeking funding in one of three focus areas only: Success by Six/Early Learning, Reading Success, and College and Career Readiness. An explanation of those focus areas is below.
Organizations do not have to be located in Elgin, but must serve a significant part of the greater Elgin area population. Application information, including eligibility criteria, timelines, and instructions is available on the UWA website www.uwelgin.org/2017investments.
Monday, March 27, 2017 is the deadline to apply.
Four Focus Areas
The United Way of Elgin’s goal is to create a well-educated community prepared for success. Within that broad goal, there are four critical focus areas: Success by Six/Early Learning; Reading Success; College and Career Readiness and Strong and Secure Families.
The first three focus areas center around education, as education is one of the most powerful antipoverty strategies.
While employment may be what pulls one above the poverty line, education is the primary and most consistent driver of sustained upward growth. People with higher levels of education earn more throughout their lifetime. Early intervention in the form of quality childcare and preschool can help even the playing field.
Continuing support through the school years and connections to enriching opportunities and caring adults are important factors in advancing youth toward high school graduation and beyond.
The fourth focus area, Strong and Secure Families, centers on the financial, physical, and metal health of the community.
Many in the Elgin community continue to face significant challenges that affect ones’ ability to meet their family’s basic needs, which jeopardizes a child’s ability to have a consistent path of growth and development. Health and wellness issues, including hunger and mental health, are also important pieces of a strong community. Therefore, the UWE is also committed to supporting an accessible community safety net to help stabilize those in need and push all people towards more stable lives.
Funding for Strong and Secure Families programs is limited to currently funded agencies. United Way of Elgin will not accept unsolicited applications for funding in that focus area.
SOURCE: United Way of Elgin news release