Burlington 'Meat Spin' Raffle on April 1! No Fooling!

Burlington ‘Meat Spin’ Raffle on April 1! No Fooling!

The village of Burlington is having a fundraising “meat spin” on Saturday April 1, at Mott’s Lounge to help raise funds for the Burlington fall festival being held on Sept. 10, 2017.

What’s on the menu?

“We will raffle bacon, hams, ribs, roasts, chickens and steaks,” said Tom Carey, chairman of the Burligton Fall Festival. “So please come out and join us for a great time for a good cause.”

For more information, contact Mott’s Lounge at 847-683-2180 or  the village of Burlington at 847-683-2237.

SOURCE: Village of Burlington Fall Festival news release