Election 2017: The Sample Ballots Are Here! The Sample Ballots Are Here!

Election 2017: The Sample Ballots Are Here! The Sample Ballots Are Here!

It’s not quite the same as, “The British are coming!” or even “I’m goin’ to Disney World!”

But it is with a certain civic urgency and breathless anticipation that Kane County Connects is able to announce that sample ballots for the April 4 consolidated election have been posted on the Kane County Clerk’s Office election website.

One of the many great local-government services (that people often don’t know about) is this personalized sample ballot that’s available online. It is especially valuable in the upcoming election because, frankly, there are more local races than you can shake a stick at.

And voter turnout in local elections, unfortunately, is usually pretty dismal.

Yes, there are a nine referendums on ballots throughout Kane County and a few mayoral and village president contests that should stoke some interest and bring a few more people to the polls. But how to know what referendums will be appearing on YOUR ballot?

That’s where this sample ballot comes in. (Keep in mind that we’re talking about Kane County voters OUTSIDE the Aurora Election Commission. For more information about contests within the Aurora city limits, visit auroravotes.org.)

Folks who live in Kane County outside the city of Aurora can get a sneak peek of the the ballot by going to kanecountyelections.org.

How Does It Work?

Finding your sample ballot is easy.

(1) Go to the www.kanecountyelections.org homepage.


(2) Look where it says “Find …” in large type. Fill in the fields asking your last name, house number and street name, and click the “Submit” button.


The names of all the voters in your household will appear. Click on your name, and voila! You’ll see your “Voter Information” page.

(3) Click on “Sample Ballot (clickable)”

This is where folks sometimes get lost, so pay attention! You have to find the words “Sample Ballot (clickable)” in small, blue type. It’s located under the “Sample Ballot” subhead, as shown below.


When you click those blue letters, the magic popup window allows you to …

(4) Peruse your personalized sample ballot!

A Geneva ballot looks like this:

Peruse at your leisure. Understand the contests. Do a little research on the candidates and issues.

It’s that easy!

You can also download and print simply by clicking the icons in the upper right corner of the screen. After that, all you have to do is  …

(5) Go vote!

Keep in mind, there are options for early voting, as well. Visit kanecountyelections.org for more information on early voting.

THESSALONIKI, GREECE, MAY 18, 2014: Highlights during the municipal and regional elections in Greece. 10 million Greeks are eligible to vote on Sunday to elect mayors and town councils.

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