U-46 Schools Collect Nearly $32,000 in Change For ‘Hunger Challenge’
U-46 schools joined a communitywide effort and raised more than $31,000 to go toward Food for Greater Elgin’s Change For Hunger Challenge. The six-month drive challenged schools to raise at least $500 in spare change, a goal many schools met or exceeded, and one that was celebrated Wednesday night at the non-profit’s Elgin office.
“This year has seen another amazing campaign in the fight against hunger,” said Michelle Frampton, executive director of Food for Greater Elgin. “Every penny counts and the amount each school has raised will change lives.”
Participating schools celebrated their generosity at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 22, during what’s called a “Champions of Change” event at Food for Greater Elgin’s headquarters on Commerce Drive.
Fox Meadow Elementary School, located in South Elgin, raised more than $2,700, ranking the highest among the 19 participating U-46 schools. The school tied the challenge to lessons on caring for others as part of being a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports school.
Fox Meadow sponsored specific events for three weeks. The first week students who donated a dollar or more were able to wear a hat during a school day. The second week students brought in specific denominations of coins each day. The third week students who donated a dollar or more participated in a pajama pants day. Fox Meadow staff members also stepped up to the plate and pledged $5 per run for the final games of the World Series.
“Every morning we pledge to care for ourselves, care for others, care for our school and care for our community,” said Fox Meadow fourth grade teacher Pam Medcalf. “The Change for Hunger Challenge allowed us to put those words into action.”
Kenyon Woods Middle School, also located in South Elgin, came in second with more than $2,200. Principal Lisa Olsem explained that the school promoted their campaign through their weekly newsletters but the school’s prior history of support and word of mouth also helped generate donations.
SOURCE: U-46 news release
Schools That Participated
The following table lists the 18 participating U-46 schools, along with two schools from Burlington Central Unit District 301 and one private school, as well as their corporate partners.
The schools and partners are:
- Washington Elementary with Hopp Accounting
- Century Oaks Elementary with JBSS
- Clinton Elementary with FLP Tax/Planning
- Fox Meadow Elementary with Arthur Rodgers
- Hilltop Elementary with Scott Budd
- Edward Jones/Lynn Glaser
- Harriet Gifford Elementary with Centimark
- Wayne Elementary with Mueller
- Willard Elementary with Lundstrom Insurance
- Kenyon Woods Middle School with Elgin State Bank
- Ellis Middle School with Thrivent
- Bartlett High School with Thrivent
- Larkin High School with Mueller
- South Elgin High School with Wisdom Foundation
- Highland Elementary with Imago
- Kimball Middle School with Edward Jones
- Central Middle School with Shales McNutt
- Eastview Middle School with Traffic Systems
- Einstein Academy with Elarasys
- Prairie Knolls Middle School with Mueller
- Channing Elementary with Heritage Crystal Clean
- Abbott Middle School with Shales McNutt
SOURCE: Food for Greater Elgin