Click Here If You Provide a Service That Enhances Incomes Or Education in Kane County
Do you provide a service that enhances economic development and educational achievements in Kane County, IL?
The Community Health Improvement Plan action team is creating a database of information from organizations that are providing those services , and results from its online survey will be used to resolve income- and education-related issues throughout the county.
“Income and Education is one of the three priorities identified by the Kane County Community Health Assessment that most affect the health of residents in Kane County,” said Barb Jeffers, executive director of the Kane County Health Department. “Low income and educational levels affect personal health across the lifespan. Our CHIP goal is to reduce by 25 percent the number of Kane County residents living at or the below poverty level by Aug. 31, 2030.”
CHIP’s goal is to help residents earn more and learn more. Information gathered from the survey will be made available to the public and will help CHIP’s action team build a “program matrix” that informs Kane County community members about services that enhance educational and economic development.
The survey information will provide an environmental scan that identifies the strengths, assets, barriers and forces that impact income and education in Kane County.
Your help is needed to get that done.
If you have any questions, please contact Terry Roman at or call at 630-264-7653.