Countdown to Earth Day Tip #13: Capture the Rain!

Countdown to Earth Day Tip #13: Capture the Rain!

  • There’s no need to wait until Earth Day on April 22 to start celebrating our planet and becoming more engaged in taking care of its precious resources. This is the second in a series of tips on how to “go green” in Kane County — 15 in all, one for every business day before Earth Day. Use them to tap into your inner eco-mindfulness and let your green spirit shine brighter than ever!
  • The Conservation Foundation, the Geneva Natural Resources Committee, and the Village of Algonquin contributed to this article.

Tip #13: Capture the Rain

We all know that April showers bring May flowers … but those showers start to wane in late spring and throughout the summer, so you’ll eventually have to water your garden yourself. A rain barrel (or two) can come in handy then, especially considering that about 40 percent of total household water used during the summer months is for watering lawns and gardens!

Capturing the rain from your roof and gutters into a storage system for reuse on your lawn and garden is both good for the environment and your wallet. You can help manage stormwater on your property, while also saving a little money on your water bill.

Since rainwater doesn’t contain chlorine, lime or calcium, it’s ideal for watering flowers and vegetable gardens — or even for washing your car or windows.

Kane County residents have several great opportunities to purchase rain barrels this spring:

The Conservation Foundation sells rain barrels year-round through a partnership with Upcycle Products. The 55-gallon barrels are made of recycled food-grade plastic, come in a variety of colors and can be purchased for $60 (plus tax) using this online order form. Home delivery is available for $5 more, and barrels can also be purchased in person at McDonald Farm.

The Geneva Natural Resources Commission will sale rain barrels at the Earth Day Celebration April 22 at Peck Farm Park.

The city of Geneva Natural Resources Commission also sells 55 gallon rain barrels, in black or terra cotta, for $75 each. See the brochure here. Barrels will also be for sale April 22 at the Geneva Park District’s Earth Day at Peck Farm Park.

As part of the village of Algonquin’s water conservation efforts, the village has joined efforts with the Land Conservancy of McHenry County for the seventh year in a row to sell rain barrels and composters. Check out this flyer.

The village encourages the use of rain barrels to reduce the use of potable water by offering residents an alternative for watering landscaping. This sale is not just for Algonquin residents, but is open to anyone.

Please visit or call the Conservancy at  815-337-9502 to purchase a rain barrel or composter. Orders must be placed by May 11. When placing an order online, be sure to check the box for Algonquin pick up.

Orders can be picked up from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, May 19, at Algonquin’s Ganek Municipal Center, 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin, or by making arrangements for pickup the following week. General questions regarding the sale may be directed to Katie Parkhurst, Senior Planner at the Village of Algonquin, at 847-658-2700.

Read the Countdown to Earth Day Series!