Election 2017: Where to Find Election Results on April 4
Kane County Connects will be posting election totals on Tuesday night.
But if you’re looking for election results “straight from the horse’s mouth,” there are two great online sources in Kane County: the Kane County Clerk’s Office website and the Aurora Election Commission results page.
A couple of quick tips if you’re searching for results. First, Kane County results are on the kanecountyelections.org page. Here’s a link to the page for the consolidated election contest results and here’s a link to the referendum results in the April 4 election.
Aurora Election Commission results are sometimes hard to find in a search because the URL for the results page is called “access liberty.” Here’s the full URL: http://il.aurora.accessliberty.com/Default.aspx
So go ahead and bookmark those sites and follow along at will.
For totals of countywide decisions — the Kane County Forest Preserve District referendum, for example — you have to add the Aurora Election Commission totals and the Kane County Clerk’s Office totals to determine the outcome.
Who’s on the Ballot? Click the Links Below
Voting is one of the great rights, privileges and responsibilities of citizenship.
Our political system is not perfect, our elected officials are not perfect, voters are not perfect — none of us are, for perfection is not within the capacity of human beings. But we should not allow concerns over our imperfections prevent us from participating in the democratic process.
You have an opportunity to vote on Tuesday, April 4, in a hyper-local election that has profound impact on your pocketbook and the quality of governmental services that are closest to home — school district, park district, library district, municipal government, township government, nine local referendums.
This article is part of a series informing Kane County residents “who’s on the ballot” in the variety of contests in the April 4 consolidated election. The primary sources are the Kane County Clerk’s Office election webpages and the Aurora Election Commission website.
Kane County Connects encourages citizens to visit those sites and other media to find out more about the candidates and issues.
Here’s a roundup of Kane County Connects articles on the April 4 ballot. These articles include links to additional information on early voting, write-in voting, how to find your personalized sample ballot and much more.