KDOT Recommends Speed Limit Reductions on Weber Drive, Orchard Road

KDOT Recommends Speed Limit Reductions on Weber Drive, Orchard Road

Kane County’s Transportation Committee has recommended lowering speed limits on portions of Weber Road in St. Charles Township and on Orchard Road near the Kane and Kendall county lines.

At the Tuesday (April 18, 2017) Kane County Board Transportation Committee meeting, KDOT recommended lowering the speed limit to 35 mph on Weber Drive from Fox River Drive to Pearson Drive. The speed limit in that stretch of the road is presently 45 mph. Weber Drive is characteristically a residential road with 19 driveways in a mile with a 35 mph speed limit north of Fox River Drive.

The Kane County Division of Transportation recommends lowering the speed limit to 45 mph on Orchard Road from .5 miles south of Jericho Road to the Kane/Kendall County Line. The present speed limit is 55 mph.

It is hoped that by lowering the speed limit in these areas it will reduce the number of crashes happening between pedestrians and motorist. If you are a pedestrian that has been hit by a car and it wasn’t your fault then you could want to look into getting a lawyer like this Dallas pedestrian accident lawyer to try to get compensation.

KDOT officials said Tuesday the speed-limit changes are housekeeping items after speed studies and recommended based on the KDOT Speed Limit Policy.

The speed limit changes would go into effect if approved by the full Kane County Board, which is expected to vote on the changes May 9.

For more information see the Kane County Transportation Committee agenda packet.

Proposed Weber Road Speed Limit Changes

The following proposed speed limit alteration has been determined in accordance with Kane County Resolution No. 01-419 (Policy for the Establishment and Posting of Altered Speed Limits on County and Township Roads) and is being submitted for approval in accordance with 625 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.

At the request of the Township Highway Commissioner, a new speed limit of 35 mph is proposed for Weber Drive between Fox River Drive to Pearson Drive. KDOT performed a speed study in this section and recommended a speed limit of 35 mph based on the KDOT Speed Limit Policy. This section of roadway is currently posted at 40 mph, however the existing ordinance is for 45 mph. Weber Drive is characteristically a residential road with 19 driveways in a mile with a 35 mph speed limit north of Fox River Drive.

Staff recommends a new speed limit ordinance of 35 mph for Weber Drive from Fox River Drive to Pearson Drive.

Proposed Orchard Road Speed Limit Changes

The following proposed speed limit alteration has been determined in accordance with Kane County Resolution No. 01-419 (Policy for the Establishment and Posting of Altered Speed Limits on County and Township Roads) and is being submitted for approval in accordance with 625 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.

The County Code does not have a speed limit ordinance for Orchard Road between U.S. Rt. 30 at the Kane/Kendall County Line to .5 miles south of Jericho Road. The posted speed limit signs are 45 mph as Orchard Road was designed and constructed for a 45 mph speed limit.

Staff recommends a new speed limit ordinance for 45 mph for Orchard Road from .5 miles south of Jericho Road to the Kane/Kendall County Line.

SOURCE: Agenda packet for April 18 Kane County Transportation Committee