POW! Hi, I'm Harley! I Like You! Do You Like Me? Let's Have Fun!

POW! Hi, I’m Harley! I Like You! Do You Like Me? Let’s Have Fun!

“Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.”

– Mark Twain

  • KCAC’s Adorable, Adoptable Pet of the Week is written by Tecla Metzel of Kane County Animal Control. Photographs by Lorena Page.

Hi! My name is Harley. What’s your name? I’m a 2-year-old black Lab/Rottweiler-mix. I like you. Do you like me? Would you like a kiss? Did you see the squirrel?

Harley (CREDIT: KCAC, Lorena Page Photography)

I was picked up by Kane County Animal Control running with another dog. My buddy’s owner came and got him, but nobody came for me.

Can you tell I have a lot of energy? The staff at KCAC tell me I don’t know my own strength, so it might be good if you have owned larger dogs before.

I like other dogs. I like to play. Would you like to play with me? Do you have a large field or yard for me to play in? That would be the best! If you already have a dog, that would be the best of the best! We can run like the wind through the yard. I’ll try not to bowl them over. Hey … squirrel!

I like to snuggle and I’ll put my head on your lap. We can watch TV together when we’re really, really tired.

Can you take me to training? I’ll need a lot of training.

I like you so much already. Let’s go! Life awaits!

KCAC Pupdates


The Force was definitely with Princess Leia, the gray-and-white kitten, last week when her forever family adopted her into their fold. Your empire is complete and safe now Leia! Live strong!

Congratulations to Noodle, a 4-month-old schnauzer puppy, who found her forever home with a built-in brother. Another adventure awaits, Noodle

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About Kane County Animal Control

It is the duty of the Animal Control Department to:

  • Kane County Animal Control Logo KCAC Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 11.39.45 AMEnsure that all domesticated dogs and cats over 4 months of age are vaccinated against rabies and have a Kane County rabies tag.
  • Ensure that all reported animal bites are given precautionary attention in relation to the possibility rabies infection.
  • Ensure that pet owners are instructed on proper procedures pertaining to animal bites and enforce adherence to these procedures.
  • Contain loose\stray dogs in unincorporated Kane County and those towns and villages with whom contracted.
  • Investigate nuisance dog complaints in unincorporated Kane County and those towns and villages with whom contracted.
  • Investigate complaints of neglected and\or abused dogs.