Three Weeks of Single-Lane Closure on Fabyan Parkway in Batavia Starts April 24
Heads up if you drive on Fabyan Parkway in Batavia!
On Monday, April 24, 2017, the city of Batavia will be closing one lane of eastbound Fabyan Parkway (County Highway No. 6) from Western Avenue to east of Van Nortwick Avenue from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. The single-lane closure of eastbound Fabyan Parkway is necessary for about three weeks to allow construction crews to safely replace existing utility poles and upgrade the city’s electric transmission capacity.
Fabyan Parkway will remain open during construction. Motorists should be prepared to reduce their speed, exercise caution, and to be extra alert.
The city of Batavia and the Kane County Division of Transportation ask drivers to watch for construction workers, construction vehicles entering or leaving the site, and obey flaggers and other traffic control devices within the work zone. Motorists should expect delays while traveling through the work areas and may want to add additional time to their commutes and consider the use of alternate routes while this work is completed.
KDOT reminders drivers that is illegal to talk on a cell phone or text while driving through a highway construction work zone.
For more information on this project, refer to this page of the city of Batavia’s website.
For all Kane County traffic advisories, see KDOT Traffic Alerts.
SOURCE: Kane County Division of Transportation news release
Western / Fabyan Transmission Line Replacement
The work will generally include removing and replacing the existing poles with new poles, installing new wires, removing and replacing assemblies on poles, transferring other utilities from old poles to new poles, and energizing the new wires. Below are some important details regarding this project.
The contract has been awarded to Hooper Corporation, Inc of Madison, WI.
The construction work began during the week of Jan. 3.
The completion date for this project is May 31, 2017. The completion date schedule may be adjusted as weather and unforeseen conditions warrant. Please see this exhibit for the proposed schedule.
- Spread existing wires on old poles: The first phase of this project will be to spread the existing 12kV wires on existing poles. The 34.5kV will be shut off, but the 12kV will remain energized and will serve customers. Spreading the wires out will give the contractor the required room to install the new poles.
- Installing New Poles: The next step will involve the installation of the new poles. The contractor will install all of the hardware on the poles and then will set the new poles near the existing poles.
- Installing the New Wires: The contractor will install the new wires on the new poles.
- Energize the New 12kV wires: Once the 12kV wires installed, they will be energized.
- Transfer Customers from old wires to new wires: Once the new 12kV is operating, customers will be transferred from the old wires to the new wires. Outages will be minimized for all customers. Some customers may be transferred with no outage.
- Demolition of old poles and wires: Once all customers have been transferred to the new wires, the old wires will be de-energized and removed.
- Energizing the new 34.5 kV wires: After all of the 12kV work is complete, the new 34.5kv system will be energized and put back in service.
- Landscape Restoration: Landscape restoration will be completed in April and May of 2017 after all of the construction is complete.
The street will remain open to traffic during the course of construction.
“NO PARKING” signs will be posted in the parkway during some phases of the project, when vehicles cannot be parked on the street.
Mail service will not be interrupted during construction.
SOURCE: city of Batavia