Sign Up Now For Inspiring Fox Valley United Way Breakfast on May 18

Sign Up Now For Inspiring Fox Valley United Way Breakfast on May 18

What better way to celebrate a caring community than to bring that community together to share stories of changed lives thanks to the generosity of neighbors?

This year’s Fox Valley United Way Annual Breakfast will do exactly that on May 18, 2017.  Once again, FVUW will celebrate and honor donors and volunteers, and hear from individuals blessed by the social service agencies that these donors and volunteers support.

Fox Valley United Way Annual Breakfast

  • Where: Pipers Banquets in Aurora
  • When: Thursday, May 18, 2017; Registration and networking 7 a.m.; Breakfast program 7:30 a.m.
  • Why:  To celebrate the people who really make a difference in our community
  • How: Click Here to register!

Have questions? Please feel free to contact Deborah Rudel at for more information. Are you interested in being a sponsor for the event? Sponsorships still available, contact Denise Blettner at for more information.

2016 Testimonials

Each year, the FVUW’s breakfast gives individuals an opportunity to share their story of redemption and hope, thanks to contributions to Fox Valley United Way. Read about last year’s testimonials here.

The 2016 attendees were treated to two stories of changed lives, presented by Jeff, representing Hope for Tomorrow, and Kim, representing Wayside Cross Ministries.

Jeff talked about going from “homeless, hopeless, hapless, bewildered, and broken” to finding Opportunity House in Aurora, funded by Fox Valley United Way.  That was the first step toward ending his drug addiction, getting a job, pursuing education, getting married, and eventually launching Hope For Tomorrow — an organization that has helped 1,500 people develop and maintain a recovery-based lifestyle.

Kim’s story involved an abusive childhood, drug addiction, domestic violence and homelessness.  She found help at Hesed House, Mutual Ground and Wayside Cross Ministries, three agencies supported by Fox Valley United Way.  At Wayside Cross’s Lifespring Center, Kim found assistance in getting two part-time jobs and enrollment at Waubonsee Community College where she is working on certification to become an alcohol and drug abuse counselor.  All while raising four beautiful children.

Breakfast Sponsors:




