Youth Resource Fair 2.0 Is Thursday in Aurora
Aurora’s youth service providers and community organizations will reconvene for the second time this spring at the Aurora Youth Resource Fair 2.0 on Thursday, May 18 from 6p to 8p at the Prisco Community Center, 150. W. Illinois Ave.
After the inaugural fair in March attracted more than 800 youth and adults, the second installment was planned to focus on the summer youth activities offer throughout Aurora.
During the fair, parents and children will be able to visit the booth of each organization, speak with the organizers and gather information about program participation and upcoming summer activities.
The fair will also feature performances by the award-winning dance team Simply Destinee and fun demonstrations from SciTech Museum, the Aurora Youth Soccer Leader, the Taekwondo Academy, the Fox Valley Park District and more. Students in attendance will also have a chance to win raffle prizes, including gift cards and televisions.
Participating organizations include: AAMOU, Accion Latina USA, Aurora Police Department, Aurora Public Library, Aurora Township, Boy Scouts, Communities in Schools, East Aurora Schools, Fox Valley Park District, Girl Scouts, Kane County Junior Deputy Program, P.A.C.E., SciTech Museum, Simply Destinee, Tomcat Tackle Football, Waubonsee Community College, YWCA and more!
Sponsored by Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin, Aldermen Scheketa Hart-Burns, Rick Mervine, Juany Garza and the city of Aurora, the Aurora Youth Resource Fair 2.0 is free and open to the public.
SOURCE: Aurora Youth Resource Fair