Aurora Dedicates Street to Construction Giant Robert ‘Chic’ Wegman
The city of Aurora has named a portion of Sheridan Street after Robert “Chic” Wegman, a businessman and community leader credited with building some of the most iconic structures in modern-day Aurora.
Founder of R.C. Wegman Construction Company, Wegman led the construction of the Hollywood Casino, RiverEdge Park, the Santori Public Library, Splash Country Water Park, the Vaughan Athletic Center and several fire stations. The company worked on the restoration of the Paramount Theater and the Aurora Transportation Center.
At a June 17 ceremony unveiling the “Robert C. Wegman Way” sign at the corner of Sheridan Street and Lehnertz Avenue, Mayor Richard C. Irvin said he was proud to honor of a man who has given so much of his time, talents and resources to Aurora.
“When you think of Aurorans who have served our community for decades, certainly the name of Chic Wegman is at the top of the list,” he said. “When I speak about all of us building Aurora together, Wegman is someone who has helped to literally build our city over the years.”
Known as “Chic”, Robert Wegman grew up on Sheridan Street and raised 10 children in the Pigeon Hill neighborhood. He is a World War II veteran, having served in the U.S. Navy from 1944 to 1946 on a minesweeper in the Sea of Japan.
Wegman founded R.C. Wegman Construction Company in 1955, and the company has sponsored hundreds of activities, initiatives and community organizations over the years, including Aurora Area Girls Softball, Aurora East Education Foundation, Aurora Historical Society, Aurora Rotary Club, Aurora Township Youth Foundation, Aurora University, Catholic Charities Aurora, Fox Valley United Way, Juvenile Diabetes, Kiwanis Club of Aurora, Marie Wilkinson Child Development Center, Read with me Foundation, Salvation Army, The Compassion Foundation, WCC Foundation, West Aurora Alumni Association and many more.